Picking Sides (2)

Standing before the empty throne that belonged to his father, Aldrich smiled softly. Beside the throne, Eldridge was standing silently, head bowed respectfully at him.

"My father has chosen to abandon his throne for someone that is not even his real son … Don't you find it amusing, Eldridge?" Aldrich asked as he turned his head to the said counsellor.

"I think it is very noble of him to do that instead of using his influence to call what is black white. The fact that he threw away his status means that he knows what he is doing is wrong, but still wants to fight for it regardless," Eldridge respectfully answered.

Aldrich clenched his fist for a few seconds before unclenching it as he calmed himself down. He exhaled lightly and then muttered, "Just what is special about that bastard, I wonder. Just because he is competent, everyone turns a blind eye to everything he does!"


Aldrich kicked the throne but did no damage to it.