After Years

"Very well. I will excuse myself. I like to stay a bit longer but I know doing that will only hold you back," Heragon said as he smirked at Basil. "Please, do come to our Empire after your matter is settled. We will still fully cooperate even if you don't but I will be thankful if you do."

Whispering, he continued, "My people will be ecstatic meeting the successor of the only person who didn't leave us behind with those Demons." He winked playfully and then left while waving his hand lightly.

The ground rumbled; as Heragon stopped in his tracks, a mouth-like earthen structure came out of the ground. It devoured him and then submerged into the ground. Heragon's presence entirely vanished, indicating that he was no longer around.

Uncaring to the unique exit, Basil recalled the thing Heragon had said a few moments ago: "…the only person who didn't leave us behind with those Demons." He wondered just what The Lord was thinking to decide to remain in the Mortal World.