Reverse Cycle

In the West, for someone to be treated like that, they had to either be Royalty or someone with enormous power. It was hard to find people who willingly bowed to someone out of respect unless that someone did something many people couldn't achieve. Everyone in the West was highly confident in their capability; they always thought I could if he could.

They were optimistic, to say the least; unfortunately, the border between their optimism and arrogance was getting more obscure these days. On the other hand, the people of Huaxia didn't hesitate to admire the strong. They were also easily astonished—to the point where a mere word was enough to make them call someone Master.

The people of Hua didn't mind putting someone above them because they didn't believe in the concept of Gods—a higher being that dictated the way they lived. Putting someone above them was equal to setting a goal for them, not a limiter for them which was where they would stop advancing.