Tower of Legacy (2)

Long brown hair, a beautiful visage that was too otherworldly to belong to a human; a serene look adorning the face, added to that, was the slight smile that calmed one's mind; a perfect body figure, an above-average height that gave her an intimating vibe—everything about this Basil made the people wonder if she had been reborn as a Goddess.

They stayed silent as they marvelled at her beauty. Basil looked at the expression of his family one by one and couldn't help shaking her head in amusement. She was sure they had seen more beautiful people but they were still astonished by her look. She didn't think she looked extraordinary.

"Aren't your clothes too tight?" Danzel blurted out with a light frown. "It may be temporary but I think it is not good to treat your body like a male's." He wondered if Basil realized that her clothes looked like they stuck to her body.