The Prelude to The War

Chang Yu hummed to herself as she stared at Basil's back. She was wondering if she could imitate Basil's appearance with the new Dao she had learnt. Basil's appearance could be called a divine gift by itself. It was so otherworldly that one would find it hard to not call her a Goddess.

She had long brown hair that flowed down her back to the area below her firm buttocks, a visage that was bereft of any blemish, a pair of eyes that pierced one's soul, and a figure that was as tall and intimidating as a God of War's yet as alluring as a Succubus'—she perfectly fit everyone's imagination of a Goddess.

"Did you inherit a good look from our late Daoist, Sister Hou?" Chang Yu asked after failing to imitate Basil's appearance with her Dao of Mirror.

"This is nothing but a byproduct. I inherited something way better," Basil responded. "Why did you even think that there was someone who would inherit their good looks?"

"…because I can't copy it."

