Finding Home (2)

Calliope frowned lightly at Basil's offer. She was quite good at judging people but she frowned not because she could tell that Basil had a hidden agenda. She frowned because she couldn't just give away the jewel hanging on her neck. Oseya told her it was something precious to her, so she could never lose it.

"This is…mother's gift to me when I was born. I am afraid she will be sad if I trade it with you."

"Is that so?"

Basil immediately understood what was going on. The pendant was the only clue Oseya got of Calliope's identity. Oseya herself might not be so eager to dig up Calliope's past, but Calliope would reach an age when she wanted to know everything about herself. Oseya wouldn't be able to help, so the pendant was crucial.