Finding Home (5)

Amongst the eight senior Pacifer's Servants in the formation was Georgios Lamviros, Xander's second-in-command in the old days. As the second strongest person in the Burning Hammer Legion, he had faced countless abominations that could erase a small country with one attack. Nothing could make him sweat. It was, of course, when he still had his ninth Magic Circle.

Standing before Galvin with his fellows, despite being in a Magic Battle Formation, he didn't feel safe. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he thought about the way to beat the Ninth Magic Circle before them. He and his fellows had been one. They knew well what capabilities a Ninth Circle Mage had.

Inspecting his surroundings quickly made him recall what happened a minute earlier. The Formation that Basil created allowed one of them to get out of the formation to fight the enemy and still had his power boosted. Despite so, none of them did that. It was a good choice.