Closer To One’s Root (2)


"Daddy, what is happening!?"

The small Iliana opened her eyes as something bumped into the carriage that she and her parents rode to the Pacifer village. Being an intelligent child, she could immediately tell something was wrong as she looked at her father's stiff face.

"Don't worry, honey. Everything is fine. We just hit a fairly big rock." Still, her father joked and reassured her.

The small Iliana shook her head but didn't say anything. She could tell her father was trying to hide the disappointing reality from her; however, she didn't want to make everyone even more aware of the already unpleasant situation.

She sat closer to her mother but she couldn't fall asleep again despite her mother's comforting warmth. She was afraid she would be a burden when something big happened, so she needed to stay awake. Aside from that reason was of course the unpleasant aura floating in the air. It was sending a warning to her mind that it was not the time to sleep.
