Lu San

On a sunny day, a bolt of lightning stuck a stone mountain.

At the top of that stone mountain, a ginseng spirit that had cultivated for ten thousand years received the Lightning Tribulation.

The ginseng spirit fantasized in its heart that after it transcended the tribulation, it would definitely transform into its most beautiful form.

However, this demon of nature which wasn't tolerated by Heaven and earth, ultimately did not manage to escape the baptism of the lightning tribulation...


"Aunt Liu, did you just wash your clothes?" The plump Li family's mother walked out of her door with a big basin in her hand.

"That's right! Are you washing too?" Aunt Liu walked over with a big basin of dirty water in her hand.

Usually after the women of Ji Wu Village washed their laundry, they would feel like their fortune was affected by the dirtiness.

Therefore, they would always walk a few more steps and go to the western village entrance and pour the dirty water under the old poplar tree.

Their family was already unlucky enough, what was another few pots of dirty water!

"Have you heard? Zhang Yue's leg was injured on a tricycle two days ago!" Aunt Liu said and couldn't help but sigh.

"Aiya! That's right!" Mother Li also sighed for the tragic fate of the Lu family.

"Their family is really unlucky!" Aunt Liu looked around and said in a low voice, "Half a year ago, they were still living in the courtyard house. Now look at them..."

"It's really too pitiful!" Mother Li quickly echoed, "A family of five people squeezed into a small house that is less than 10 square meters."

The two of them chatted as they walked, the dirty water in the basin in their hands constantly shaking.

"There's even another one in the family who can't move! How can this family survive!" As Mother Li said this, the two of them turned a corner and arrived at the western village entrance.

Aunt Liu picked up the basin in her hands and threw it at the wall. "It's really as if they committed a sin!"

"It's because of the car accident!" As Mother Li said this, she also raised her basin and threw the water out.

After the two of them poured the water, they shook the basin and walked back.

"It's said that his old lady was also in a car accident!" Mother Li said as she sighed heavily.

"If you ask me, it's a relief to lose her!" Aunt Liu shook her head and said, "Look at this Zhang Yue. She takes care of her vegetable husband every day. She used to be a pretty girl, but now she's like this!"

Mother Li walked to the door of her house and stood by the door, continuing to chat with Aunt Liu. "You can say that! Ever since Lu Sheng was stuck to the bed, this Zhang Yue has been taking care of him every day and night. She also has to look after the three children."

Aunt Liu was not in a hurry to go home. She held the basin in her hand and leaned against the Li family's door frame. "She quit her good job! She sold the house!"

"Who do you think he offended?" Aunt Liu said and sighed again.

Everyone in the village knew about the Lu family. Everyone sympathized with their family's suffering.

But after all, not many people in the village were truly wealthy.

Their family was busy, so everyone could only sympathize with them verbally.

Zhang Yue stood in her dilapidated courtyard, carrying her little daughter in the wicker basket behind her.

Her eyes were slightly astringent. She naturally heard the words of the Li family's mother and Aunt Liu clearly.

But, life had to go on in the end!

Ever since Lu Sheng fell ill, the burden of the family had been placed on her alone.

Zhang Yue's health was already not very good after she had given birth to a few children. Now that she was overworking herself, her health was deteriorating.

However, she could not fall down!

She still had children to raise!

Zhang Yue took a deep breath and tilted her head slightly to ask her daughter Lu San behind her, "How about going to the south market with mommy to set up a stall today?"

Lu San's eyes narrowed slightly. After a moment, she babbled incoherently. It seemed that she was not satisfied with her mother's thoughts.

Seeing her daughter become worked up, Zhang Yue smiled and said, "Shall we go to the western market then?"

Lu San immediately giggled.

Zhang Yue carried Lu San on her back and went all the way to the western market.

Lu San looked at her mother's back and felt a slight pain in her heart.

It had been nearly half a year since she came here.

Her mind still retained the memory of her previous life -- the memory of being a ten-thousand-year-old ginseng spirit.

Yes! She had transmigrated!

Not only had she transmigrated, but she had also transmigrated to a place that she had dreamed of thousands of times.

Lu San did not know why this was the case. All she knew was that she was now a three-and-a-half-year-old girl who could not speak and only knew how to babble.

Although she could not speak, her still retained a part of her sensing ability of her previous life.

She could clearly see that there would be a government management team cleaning up the southern market today.

Therefore, she resisted Zhang Yue going to the southern market.

Fortunately, Zhang Yue seemed to understand her meaning and listened to her "suggestions" every time.

Zhang Yue carried Lu San with some sewing and rags to the western market to set up a stall.

Ah Liang of the western market was a kind businessman. He knew that it wasn't easy for Zhang Yue's family. Every time he saw her, he would make room for her to set up a stall.

Zhang Yue took out the needle, thread, and rags so that Lu San could stay in the wicker basket more comfortably.

Little Lu San was placed in the wicker basket, and with her small body it just so happened to have her head stick out from the mouth of the wicker basket.

When she was placed in the wicker basket for the first time, Little Lu San was still a little emotional. "The little friend that was taken away by the herbalists back then was probably like this..."

Little Lu San was like a fair and clean doll. She was very pleasing to the eyes.

This also helped Zhang Yue attract a lot of business.

Seeing that Zhang Yue was working hard alone with a doll, and her craftsmanship was not bad, many people came to her to sew some small things.

Although it was not a big deal, it could at least let the family eat.

After Zhang Yue exchanged her sewing for money, she carried Lu San to the market to see if she could buy some cheap meat.

She had not eaten a bite of meat for nearly a month, but she could still bear it.

But the children were growing, Lu Sheng also needed to replenish his nutrition..

Zhang Yue held a few banknotes in her hand and walked to and fro in front of a few meat shops...

Zhu's wife saw Zhang Yue pass by the door twice, so she called out, "Lu's wife, come in!"

Hearing the other party's call, Zhang Yue hesitated for a moment before walking in.

"Hey! Today's extra meat and bones, you can keep them. Take them!" The Zhu family's daughter-in-law used a straw rope to tie two pieces of bones that had almost no meat on them and handed them to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue hurriedly thanked her and asked, "This, how much is it?"

The Zhu family's daughter-in-law waved her hand and said, "Take it! It wouldn't just been thrown away anyways!"

Zhang Yue did not hesitate and thanked her again. She carried the meat and bones and walked out.

"We have bone soup to drink tonight!" Zhang Yue said to Lu San with a smile.

Lu San was babbling, as if she was also happy about the sumptuous dinner.

Not long after they walked out of the butcher's shop, Grandma Lin walked over and stuffed a bag of vegetables into Zhang Yue's hands. "You can take back the leftovers from today's sale!"

Zhang Yue looked at the vegetable leaves in her hands and felt a slight pain in her heart.

Although they were just some withered vegetable leaves, they were the hearts of the neighbors here.

Zhang Yue thanked her again, grabbed the vegetables in her hands, and left the western market.