Everything Will Be Fine!

Zhang Yue cooked the pot of bone soup and brought a big bowl into the house.

"When your second brother comes back, we'll start eating!" Zhang Yue said as she scooped out a small bowl of soup and walked to the bedside.

Big brother Lu Yi carried Lu San to the table and asked her to sit down obediently.

He then started to help his mother set the bowls and chopsticks.

Zhang Yue walked to the bedside and fed the soup into Lu Sheng's mouth one mouthful at a time.

She carefully blew on the soup until it was cool, then slowly fed it to him in small bites.

Lu San looked at Zhang Yue's expression and felt a little sorry for her.

"Mom! I'm back!" A loud voice sounded, and a small figure rushed into the room.

The second son of the Lu family might not be tall, but his voice was not small.

"Lower your voice!" The eldest son of the Lu family slapped the back of Lu Er's head. "You'll scare your sister!"

"She won't be scared!" Lu Er rubbed the back of his head in dissatisfaction.

"How was it? Were you scared?" Lu Er put on a grimace and moved closer to Lu San.

Lu San was not afraid of her second brother. She was amused and giggled.

Zhang Yue looked at the happy faces of her children, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

"Everything will be fine!" She secretly encouraged herself.

The family sat around a small wooden table and ate, looking very happy.

"Lu Er, don't go out and fight all the time!" Zhang Yue said as she stroked the bruise on his forehead with one hand, feeling a little heartache.

The two Lu brothers were both obedient and sensible.

But they always disliked others pointing fingers at their family behind their backs, especially those who cursed their father!

Hence, the two of them would fight outside from time to time until they came back with injuries.

Zhang Yue's heart ached and she felt helpless.

Lu San also came forward and placed her small mouth on Lu Er's forehead.

Zhang Yue looked at Lu San's somewhat clumsy appearance and a smile appeared on her face once again.

The children being happily and harmoniously together was the happiness of a family!

If Lu Sheng could wake up...

Zhang Yue thought as she glanced at her husband on the bed.

Lu San was not simply exhaling for Lu Er.

There was a trace of Qi and blood essence in her mouth, which gradually allowed Lu Er's injuries to recover.

She did not dare to be too obvious, so she could only try to reduce his pain.

Lu Er's forehead itched from her breath, but the pain actually disappeared.

He grabbed Lu San's little face and said with a smile, "My sister is the best! After your treatment I won't be in pain anymore!"

Lu Yi snorted and said, "Don't go out to fight again and make mom angry!"

Lu Er didn't dare to fight openly, but muttered in a low voice, "I don't know who is famous for fighting in the village!"

"What did you say?" Lu Yi didn't hear clearly and was about to ask back.

"Ah! I'm so hungry!" Lu Er didn't give his big brother a chance to nag anymore. He grabbed the bowl and began to eat as much food as he could.

"Mom! Its so good!" Lu Er chewed on the vegetables made from the bone soup. He was so satisfied that he was about to cry.

Zhang Yue reached out and stroked her son's head. The smile on her face carried a trace of sadness.

Originally, the couple had a good job in the town.

Although the family was not considered a wealthy family, they were still envied.

Until that day half a year ago...

Ever since Lu Sheng got into a car accident, everything in the family changed.

In order to treat his injury, Zhang Yue had sold all the valuable things in the family.

The children's grandmother always said that Zhang Yue had suffered too much by following Lu Sheng like this. She should have left earlier for the children's sake.

However, Zhang Yue still felt that he would definitely wake up again!


Because of the heavy rain the night before, the roof of the Lu family's house had a few large holes pierced through by the rain in the middle of the night.

The next morning, Zhang Yue handed Lu San over to Lu Yi and rushed out to look for something that could repair the roof.

Lu Yi carried Lu San to the garbage station near the village factory entrance.

This place was a treasure trove for the children of the village.

Here, they could always find many treasures!

Dolls that had been thrown away, dolls with broken legs, and even a small box that might be filled with secrets!

The children continued to rummage through the place. They were not afraid of being tired or dirty, just hoping to dig out more "treasures".

Lu Yi would come here every day.

He was always looking forward to what treasures he could find so that his mother would not have to work so hard!

Occasionally, he would bring Lu San to look for treasures. Those few times, he really found a lot of good things!

There were unfinished books, a broken backpack, and a few pieces of clothes that he could wear!

There was a tattered rocking chair in the garbage station.

Although it was tattered, he cleaned it up.

Lu San sat on the rocking chair, looking like she was instructing Lu Yi to look around.