Family Reunion

Lu Sheng's body couldn't move at this time, so he could only stare at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi came to his father and couldn't help but sob.

Lu Sheng opened his mouth slightly, but didn't make a sound.

Lu San sat beside him, worried for her father.

"Why is it still not working?" Lu San pouted and complained in her heart.

She had clearly worked very hard!

Her blood essence was the blood essence of a ten-thousand-year-old ginseng spirit!

Why couldn't she even make someone talk? !

What Lu San didn't expect was that although her blood essence had ten-thousand-year-old ginseng spirit power, Lu Sheng was, after all, a person who had been comatose for half a year.

It was already very difficult to wake up. Not to mention moving, the function of his vocal cords also needed a while to recover.

Lu Yi saw that his father wanted to speak, so he quickly moved his head closer.

Lu Sheng tried his best to use his breath and said, "Go to... town... to school!"

Although his words sounded weak, Lu Yi could hear them clearly.

The tears in his eyes became more abundant. He pursed his lips and didn't know how to answer.

Zhang Yue, who was sitting beside him, also heard Lu Sheng's words.

Seeing her son like this, Zhang Yue reached out and touched his hair. "Listen to your father! Go to school in town!"

Lu Yi finally stopped hesitating and nodded heavily. "Okay!"

Wang Cheng stood at the side. Seeing the touching scene of the Lu family, his eyes couldn't help but redden.

When he heard Lu Yi's answer, Wang Cheng chuckled and took two steps forward. "Then I won't disturb your family reunion!"

"I'll wait for you to report to school!" Wang Cheng said as he patted Lu Yi's shoulder.

Lu Yi's face was full of tears. He looked at Wang Cheng and laughed. "Okay!"

The boy's words changed the trajectory of his future life.

Lu San sat on the bed and studied Lu Sheng's condition.

Judging from his condition, he should be gradually recovering.

However, she still didn't know how long it would take for him to recover to the state he was in before the accident.

When the neighbors heard that Lu Sheng had woken up, they all came to congratulate him.

Lu Sheng and Zhang Yue's character was well-known in the village.

Therefore, although the Lu family was down and out now, many people still cared about them from the bottom of their hearts.

When the second son of the Lu family heard that his father had woken up, he hurriedly ran home from the eastern end of the village.

He had originally planned to go to the vegetable field at the eastern end of the village to dig up some wild vegetable roots and bring them home for his mother.

Who knew that he would actually hear that his father had woken up before he managed to dig up too many wild vegetable roots.

Lu Er rushed into the room, pushed aside a few bodies that were blocking him, and rushed to the bedside.

When he saw that his father, who had his eyes tightly shut all this time, was currently staring at him with bright eyes..

Lu Er cried out loud.

Lu Yi hugged Lu Er tightly, and the two brothers hugged each other and cried.

Ever since their father fell seriously ill, the two brothers seemed to have grown up overnight.

Their small bodies were trying their best to share the burden of their mother's life.

Now that their father had finally woken up, the two brothers could finally relax.

Lu San looked at her family members crying. She hesitated for a moment, and her tears fell as well.

Although she was a ginseng spirit, she also had the seven emotions and six desires.

Now, as a member of this family, it was only right for her to cry!

"Hey! Let's go quickly! Don't disturb the family reunion!" The Li family's mother urged the others to leave the Lu family.

Seeing that Lu Sheng had woken up, the worry in Zhao Di's heart was also relieved.

There was no room for more people in the Lu family now, so Zhao Di also hurried home.

Before she left, Zhao Di held Zhang Yue's hand and said, "He just woke up. There are some things that you have to bear with him!"

"Don't worry." Zhang Yue looked at her mother with a sweet smile on her face.

"If there's anything that mom needs to do... just give a message," Zhao Di reminded her again.

Zhang Yue nodded. She knew that she was the one that her mother couldn't let go of.

Soon, only the Lu family was left in the house.

Zhang Yue wiped the tears from her face and said to Lu Yi, "Take care of dad. I'll go and cook."

Just as Zhang Yue was about to leave, she felt something grab her hand.

She looked down and saw that it was Lu Sheng's hand that grabbed her hand.

"You!" Zhang Yue's entire face was flushed with excitement. "You can move!"

The corners of Lu Sheng's mouth twitched slightly as he said in a weak voice, "Yes!"

"Thank you for your hard work!" This was what Lu Sheng wanted to say to Zhang Yue the most. He owed her for the past six months!

Zhang Yue shook her head and smiled. "It's what I should do!"

"You're better now! Everything will be fine!" Zhang Yue's face was beaming with happiness.