I Didn't Look For Him

Lu Sheng stayed at the village chief's house for about two hours before he left.

Before he left, the village chief took two containers of food and insisted that Lu Sheng bring it home.

"What you mentioned today is really useful!" The village chief smiled and sent Lu Sheng to the door.

"I didn't expect you to have such thoughts not long after you woke up!" The village chief said and handed the things in his hands to Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng didn't refuse too hard. After all, these things were what his family lacked right now.

Lu Sheng smiled and thanked the village chief. He said, "I have actually thought about these things before."

"It's just that because of my previous work, I didn't have the time to do these things." Lu Sheng's face was filled with regret.

The village chief sighed and said, "This is also our negligence!"

"The construction of the village is a major matter." The village chief looked at Lu Sheng with satisfaction. "Don't worry, I will definitely implement it as soon as possible!"

Lu Sheng nodded and thanked the village chief again before preparing to leave.

The village chief hurriedly called Lu Sheng, "I still need your help with the follow-up matters!"

Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment and nodded. "As long as the village needs me, I will do my best!"

"Don't worry, I will arrange it well!" The village chief promised solemnly.

He knew what Lu Sheng was hesitating about. After all, no one would do something that had no recognition.

Especially with the current situation of Lu Sheng's family, it was exactly what a pillar like him needed to do.

As the two of them were talking, the village chief's wife walked out.

She was holding two large lunch boxes in her hands. "Take these things with you and give them to the children to nourish!"

Lu Sheng was about to refuse, but was stopped by village chief's wife. "Zhang Yue has suffered a lot during the half year you've been in a coma. You have to treat her well in the future!"

Lu Sheng paused and nodded heavily. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" The village chief's wife was immediately overjoyed. "Remember to bring the children to visit more often in the future!"

"I really like that little Lu San of yours!" Thinking of Lu San's cute appearance, the village chief's wife smiled even more happily.

"Definitely!" Lu Sheng also smiled and promised.

Carrying big and small bags of things, Lu Sheng rushed home in a hurry.

Today, he was thinking of getting some delicious food for the children.

He originally planned to tell the village chief's family about his idea and get himself a job.

Now, he should have found a job. He did not expect to have so many gains.

"The three children will be very happy!" Lu Sheng carried his things and walked as fast as lightning.

He did not look like someone who had been comatose for half a year!

Zhang Yue counted the money in her wallet. Although the income for a day was not much, it was still pretty good.

She always sighed. Every time she brought Lu San along, she seemed to be very lucky. She had never met the city enforcement officers.

There were a few times when she did not bring Lu San along. The entire day's income was confiscated by the city enforcement officers.

In Zhang Yue's heart, Lu San was the luckiest child!

After packing her things, she carried Lu San on her back and headed home.

When she returned home, she saw her two sons sitting in the courtyard in unison.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Yue looked at their expectant eyes in puzzlement.

"Daddy brought back so much delicious food!" Lu Er tried his best not to bite his tongue because he swallowed his saliva.

"Is that so?" Zhang Yue was even more confused.

At this time, Lu Sheng came over with a few bowls and plates.

Zhang Yue looked at the bowls and plates with surprise. There were big steamed buns, ham sausages, and even a small bowl with a few pieces of stewed meat.

When Lu Sheng saw Zhang Yue coming back, he said, "Come and help! It's time to eat!"

Zhang Yue foolishly placed Lu San on the ground and followed Lu Sheng to the kitchen.

It was called the kitchen, but it was just a place that had been set up with scaffolding.

When Zhang Yue walked into the kitchen and saw it, she was even more shocked. "You... this... What's going on?"

Zhang Yue saw that there was a lot of food in the kitchen, big and small. There was meat, fruits, vegetables, and white noodles!

Zhang Yue hesitated for a moment. "You went to look for dad?"

Zhang Yue asked tentatively.

When Lu Sheng heard that, he looked at Zhang Yue. "You want me to go?"

Zhang Yue quickly shook her head. "No! No matter how difficult it is at home, I have never gone to look for him!"

Seeing Zhang Yue so determined, Lu Sheng felt a sense of comfort in his heart.

"I didn't go to look for him," Lu Sheng explained. "These are from the village chief."

"Village chief? Why?" Zhang Yue was even more confused.

Lu Sheng smiled mysteriously. "Let's eat First!"

As he spoke, Lu Sheng carried the bowls and plates to the children, leaving Zhang Yue in confusion.