
With the help of the neighbors, Lu Sheng's family happily moved.

When the village chief stood at the gate of the courtyard to welcome Lu Sheng's family, he didn't forget to hang a string of big red firecrackers.

When everyone had arrived, the firecrackers were lit. It was very lively!

Almost all the villagers had gathered at the gate of Lu Sheng's new house.

As they spoke of their joy, they hoped that Lu Sheng's family could prepare some delicious food.

In the past, when Lu Sheng's family was prosperous, they would treat the villagers to some good food every now and then.

Although Ji Wu village was not a poor village, the villagers lived frugally.

"Come in, come in!" The village chief said with a smile and invited Lu Sheng's family and the villagers who followed him into the house.

After everyone was settled, the village chief stood in the middle of the courtyard and said, "I announce! From today onwards, Lu Sheng will be the development commissioner of our village!"

"In the future, our village will have to rely on Lu Sheng to become rich!" The village chief said with a smile.

"Village chief, how did you discover Lu Sheng's talent?" Someone couldn't help but be curious.

"Yes! We all know that Lu Sheng is smart. But it's not easy to bring the entire village to become rich!" Aunt Liu stood beside Zhang Yue and asked with a smile.

For a moment, the courtyard was abuzz with discussion.

The village chief raised his hands high, signaling for everyone to stop discussing.

"I've been racking my brain to think of a way to make a fortune all these years," the village chief said and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Everyone has seen the village chief's contribution!" Uncle Zhang, who was not far from the village chief's house, immediately spoke up.

Old Li, who had finally gotten a new house two years ago, also echoed, "That's right! The village chief is already working very hard!"

Village chief sighed, "I am already old, and my brain can't keep up with the new trends!"

"When Lu Sheng woke up, he came to see me the next day." Village chief walked to Lu Sheng's side and patted his shoulder.

"This kid has raised a lot of opinions and ideas." The smile on village chief's face became deeper and deeper.

"His ideas are very advanced, I..." Village chief said and paused for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed, "I really can't understand them!"

"I wrote down his ideas and opinions and reported them to the town," the village chief said cheerfully.

"When the town leaders heard it, they immediately held a small meeting to discuss it," the village chief said and shook his head happily.

"This meeting has concluded! This reform plan has finally been settled!" The village chief said and turned to look at Lu Sheng. "This Lu Sheng has been made an exception and appointed as our Village Development Commissioner!"

"The higher-ups have said that we should follow Lu Sheng's plan!" The village chief smiled delightedly. "We'll cooperate with him!"

"In the future, I'll have to bring Lu Sheng along for any meetings and reports in town!" The village chief became more and more excited as he spoke.

Hearing what the village chief said, the other villagers were even more impressed by Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng smiled and said to the village chief, "Thank you, village chief, for giving me this opportunity!"

The village chief waved his hand embarrassedly. "What words are those! You have real skills!"

Listening to the village chief praising Lu Sheng, Zheng Shu, who was in the corner, gnashed her teeth in hatred.

"What's so great about it! Aren't you still a poor family? !" Zheng Shu said fiercely.

This time, she did not dare to complain loudly.

Lu Qiang and Cui Hong did not come over to help.

When Lu Sen called in the morning, Lu Qiang immediately put down his work and rushed to town.

"Lu Sheng's matter was really approved by the town," Lu Sen said briefly over the phone, "And it was specially approved!"

"How is that possible!" Lu Qiang exclaimed in disbelief.

"You'd better come over. Let's talk in person!" After Lu Sen said that, he hung up the phone.

Cui Hong didn't care about Lu Qiang's eagerness.

She was just concerned now that Lu Sheng's family was prosperous again, that they would one day take back her big house!

Lu Qiang rushed to the town to meet with Lu Sen.

"Brother, what's going on?" Lu Qiang asked anxiously.

"Aren't we strongly advocating rural construction now?" Lu Sen took a sip of the tea cup.

"Lu Sheng came up with a lot of suitable ideas this time, which solved the urgent need of the leaders of the town." Lu Sen smiled.

"Tell me, if the leaders of the town didn't make an exception to accept him, who would they accept?" Lu Sen said, glancing at Lu Qiang's flushed face.

"If you ask me, you don't have to get excited." Lu Sen put down the tea cup and said, "You taking his position and living in his house, is only because he was unlucky."

"This has nothing to do with you. He can't do anything to you either," Lu Sen said casually.

Lu Qiang's head suddenly hurt when he heard this.