Big Business!

Walking back to the house, Lu Sheng saw Zhang Yue carrying Lu San out.

"Big Brother left?" Zhang Yue rubbed her eyes. Apparently, she had just woken up.

Lu Sheng nodded and took out a bowl of hot soup.

"I just made chicken soup. have some," Lu Sheng said and carried Lu San into his arms.

Lu San glanced at the two big bags of fruits piled in the corner.

She struggled to get off Lu Sheng's body and staggered toward the bag of fruits.

Lu Sheng and Zhang Yue couldn't help but laugh when they saw her interesting appearance.

Lu San walked to the side of the fruit bag and picked a big peach seriously. Then, she turned around and walked toward Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng took the peach. "Lu San, do you want to eat it?"

Lu San nodded and drooled when she saw the peach that was as big as two of her fists.

Lu Sheng took the peach and washed it. Lu San followed closely behind him to supervise.

Lu Yi and Lu Er left the house after breakfast, and they were not back yet.

Lu San washed the peach with Lu Sheng. She looked even cuter when she got the peach and could not put it down.

She walked to the entrance of her yard and sat by the door, eating the peach.

Occasionally, a few aunties passed by. When they saw Lu San's cute look, they could not help but stop to tease her.

"Lu San is eating so well! Where did the peach come from?" The Sun family's aunt looked at Lu San and asked with a smile.

Lu San waved her small hand and pointed inside the house.

"Your house's peach?" The Sun family's aunt was curious. "I haven't heard that your house has a peach tree?"

Lu San raised her hand and pointed upwards.

The Sun family's aunt's gaze also followed and looked upwards. She was instantly even more confused.

Lu San reached out her small hand and gestured with her chin, stroking a beard.

Only then did the Aunt Sun let out an "oh". "Your uncle is here? Did he give you a peach?"

Lu San nodded with a smile and took another bite of the peach.

Zhang Yue heard the voices at the door and quickly came out to take a look.

She saw Lu San babbling and chatting with the Aunt Sun.

"Aunt Sun, you're here," Zhang Yue quickly greeted her.

The Sun Aunty said with a smile, "I can't help but be curious when I see Little Lu San eating so well here!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yue quickly said to Lu Sheng who was about to walk out, "Bring a few peaches back for Aunt Sun to eat."

"Hey, no, no!" The Sun Aunty quickly waved her hand and refused, "How embarrassing!"

"It's okay! If it's delicious, I'll have my big brother bring more next time!" Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Okay, good!" The Sun Aunty said with a smile and took the peach from Lu Sheng, "If this peach is delicious, order some from your uncle and send them over later!"

"That's even better!" Zhang Yue smiled even more happily.

The experience of setting up a stall during this period of time had made her develop the mind to always be ready to do business.

Since someone was interested in Lu Tao's peaches, why not take the opportunity to promote them?

The Sun Aunty happily took a few peaches home.

In just half a day, a few more aunties came to the Lu family and specifically ordered some peaches from Lu Tao's family. There was quickly two carts worth of orders.

Zhang Yue smiled and agreed. She quickly asked Lu Sheng to think of a way to contact his big brother and prepare the peaches as soon as possible.

Although Lu Tao had planted many peach trees, the couple was not good at managing them. The peaches would always rot in their own fields.

Now that there was a market, Lu Sheng naturally quickly informed his big brother.

The peaches that Lu Tao planted were really tender and juicy, sweet and sticky.

However, he was too dull. Every time he went to the market, he did not know how to shout or wrap the peaches.

As a result, many people who passed by would not want to buy his peaches.

Zhang Yue stroked Lu San and said with a smile, "Our Lu San must be a little lucky star. Eating a peach can bring big business to her uncle's family."

Lu San happily nestled in Zhang Yue's arms and secretly felt her heartbeat.

Zhang Yue's heartbeat was still sometimes slow and sometimes urgent. She could always feel that some places were still clogged up.

Lu San secretly gritted her teeth, hoping that her blood essence could condense quickly so that her mother could recover as soon as possible.

Lu Sheng returned to the house and saw the mother and daughter snuggling together. It looked very heartwarming.

"You're back?" Zhang Yue smiled when she saw Lu Sheng.

"Yes!" Lu Sheng replied and sat by the bed to hold Zhang Yue's hand.

"How was it? Did you talk to Big brother?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Yes!" Lu Sheng smiled. "Big brother and sister-in-law couldn't believe it. They said that they needed to borrow two big carts to bring it here!"

Zhang Yue smiled in satisfaction. "This is great!"

"Yes!" Lu Sheng said and let her rest in his arms.