Lu Qiang Beat His Wife

Lu Sheng's family was "Kidnapped" by the village chief to his home.

Zhang Yue carried Lu San and said to Lu Er, "Go and find your brother. Tell him that we're going to eat at the village chief's house."

Lu Er agreed and ran out in a hurry.

He knew that his brother must have gone to listen about books again.

There was nothing to play in the village normally.

Now, Lu Yi did not need to go to the garbage station to rummage through things, so he spent the whole day by the stand of the storyteller.

Old Yang, the storyteller, saw that Lu Yi liked to listen to books, and he could always recite the stories in the books fluently. He liked them very much, so he forgave him for not paying any money to listen to the books.

After Zhang Yue found out, she always asked Lu Yi to bring some delicious food for Old Yang.

Old Yang was the only one in his family now.

His children left home after they got married, and his wife left a few years ago.

Old Yang had some experience. Although he didn't go to school, he could tell a lot of interesting stories.

He didn't tell stories to make money, he just wanted people to be around him.

Lu Yi going to listen to stories, Zhang Yue had never refused.

Because every time Lu Yi came back, his face was full of excitement as he told the stories he heard, not to mention how serious he was.

Moreover, he could always tell a lot of truth from the books he had heard.

Zhang Yue felt that this was not a bad thing for Lu Yi.

Moreover, in the future, when Lu Yi went to town to study, the days he could listen to books would be less.

Sure enough, Lu Er found Lu Yi at Old Yang's stall.

Lu Yi reluctantly followed Lu Er in the direction of the village chief's house.

The village chief's wife had indeed prepared a lot of good dishes.

However, at noon, the village chief did not dare to drink, so he did not drink to entertain himself.

"When our medical station is built, the problem of the villagers' difficulty in seeing a doctor will be solved. This is a big deal," the village chief said as he picked up a piece of stewed meat and placed it into Lu Sheng's bowl.

"Quick! Eat more! You have to take care of your health!" The village chief reminded him as he remembered that Lu Sheng had been comatose for half a year.

Lu Sheng looked at Zhang Yue. "Okay! I know! I still have to support my family!"

Zhang Yue had a happy smile on her face.

In the past half a year, she had never thought that there would be such a scene.

The village chief's wife picked up a drumstick for Lu San and a piece of chicken breast for Zhang Yue.

"You only have eyes for Lu Sheng Now! It's not easy for Zhang Yue either!" The village chief's wife glanced at the village chief with disdain.

"Yes, yes, yes! I was wrong! Take good care of Zhang Yue!" The village chief quickly apologized and begged for mercy from his wife.

Lu Hai and Su Jiao looked at each other, feeling a little awkward for a moment.

At this time, Lu Er said, "Third aunt, I want to eat that!"

Lu Er sat on the chair, unable to reach the dishes on the table. He was a little anxious.

Su Jiao quickly responded with an "Oh" and helped Lu Er pick some dishes.

Lu Hai took the opportunity to help take care of Lu Yi and Ah Fu.

The meal was lively and warm.

It was not until someone came to the village chief's house that the harmony was interrupted.

"Village chief! Quickly go and take a look! Lu Qiang hit his wife!" A villager shouted loudly at the village chief's door.

"What? What's going on?" The village chief quickly stood up and ran out.

Lu Sheng and Zhang Yue looked at each other and followed him out.

Seeing that the village chief's wife followed out, Lu Yi and Ah Fu also followed their parents out.

Su Jiao quickly carried Lu San while Lu Hai led Lu Er out.

The villager said anxiously, "Lu Qiang drank some wine this afternoon. I don't know why he lost his temper."

"His wife is about to be beaten to death by him!" The villager said and turned to run toward the Lu family. "Come with me to take a look!"

"We can't stop him!" The villager said anxiously as he ran.

The village chief didn't dare to delay and followed the villager towards the Lu family.

Before they reached the Lu family courtyard, they could hear the heart-wrenching cries and shouts from inside.

From time to time, they could hear the screams of "Beat me to death if you dare".

The village chief rushed into the Lu family and saw Lu Qiang waving his fist at Cui Hong's body.

After a few punches, Cui Hong fell to the ground and could not get up. Lu Qiang was originally from the military after all.

Although he did not have any achievements when he was a soldier, his punches was really strong.

Cui Hong was obviously beaten until she was about to faint.

But she still stood firm and did not let herself fall. Her pride was really admirable.

Zheng Shu hugged Lu Wan in her arms and timidly hid under the big tree in the courtyard, not daring to move forward.

Lu Qiang was about to swing his fist again, but was stopped by a cold shout from the village chief.

"Lu Qiang! Are you trying to kill someone? !" The village chief fiercely stepped forward and knocked Lu Qiang's fist away.