Why is having goals important

A girl getting ready for school . Suddenly a voice comes calling her name Lisa....

"Where are you?"

Lisa is the main character of the story .

She is 19 years high school girl . She lives with her uncle, aunty , grandmother and two cousins .

When she was 13 years old when her father and mother passed away in an accident . Her brother was adopted by a rich family . Sometimes he comes to meet her .

"Coming aunty" Lisa said .

Lisa (thinking) : I do almost work of the house . I don't have any other options because I have to live with them. Whenever i need help there is nobody to help me expect my best friend Sam . He is my neighbour and a senior in my school . He is very nice to me . Talking to him makes me happy .

Lisa : Aunty I am going to school .

I will be late because today is my first day and I want to see the whole school. I have made the break fast .

Aunty : No need for seeing the whole school. You are going there only for studying . And in excitement of first day of school you made the kitchen mess. Who will clean it ? You are good for nothing . Look at your sisters, they are toppers . Come back as soon the school ends .

Lisa ( thinking ) : Why not . They are getting tution and have permission to do extra classes . They don't do anything in house .

She didn't talk back because she doesn't want to ruin the excitement of first day .

She hopes that her day will be good .

In old school, she was not good at studying neither she was in any sports . She had no friends in her classroom. She thinks that no one cared if she was there or not .

Lisa( in mind ) : But now I want to change . There will be new class , new classmates . I also want to be noticed by everyone and be an important student in class .

Lisa enters in class .

She saw an empty bench and sat there.

*The bell rings*

Teacher enters in class .

*Good morning students *

*Good morning sir *

Teacher : This is your first day . I want all of them give their introduction .

After the introduction the teacher started introducing himself .

I am....

May i come in sir ? Two boys out of the class asked .

"Come in " The teacher said .

How can be someone be late for their first day . The teacher said .

The teacher told them to introduce themselves .

I am Aayan . The first boy said .

( He ranked first in entry exams . He was also good in sports . He was cute and charming .)

Almost girl was staring him . Me included .

Go sit on first bench .

I am Zayn . Second boy said .

( He is famous for bad behaviour and he is more handsome and charming than Aayan . Both are best friends.)

Go sit next to her (Lisa). The teacher said and he asked Aayan to distribute the paper he has in his hands .

What's your goal ? The teacher asked .Write in the paper I am giving you.

Everyone started writing expect Lisa.

She was thinking what is her goal. She realised that she doesn't have any goals . She lived for my family and never realised what she really want .

So, she left her paper blank .

* Bell rings*

Teacher collected our paper and goes to staff room.

When he was checking Lisa's paper he saw her paper was blank .

He called Lisa and asked why my paper was blank.

She has no reply .

He explained why having dream important

He said " if you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts and inspire your hopes"

She doesn't understand what he said and what was his meaning by saying this .

So she come back to the class quietly and looked at the blank paper and thought that everyone has goals and dreams . Why doesn't she have ? "Enough" she suddenly stood up and said . She will live for her from now and find out why having a dream important .

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Will Lisa realise about her goals? If yes then how.

For knowing read the next chapter.

And do you know why having goals important ?