I don't want to face him

In morning, Lisa left for school very early al telling her aunt that there was very important work.

Then Lisa reached where she used to live many years ago .

There she started finding about Varun's family.

Someone from there told that a few years ago, when they were about to shift to London, their house was on fire and their son had died.

They were very sad after losing their child . After that they adopted a child and shifted to London .

Lisa : Are you sure that the person who was died was Varun .

That someone : Yes, a dead body of a child was found .

Lisa : So how can you say that it was Varun?

That someone : So who else could it be. Apart from him, there was no child in the house.

Lisa started crying thinking that she is losing everyone she loves .

Then she somehow managed herself and went to school .

**After reaching school**

Aayan : How did you get hurt ?

Lisa : Yesterday some people tried to kidnap me .

Aayan : Nothing happened to you, are you okay?

Then Zayn came there

Aayan : You got hurt too .

Lisa : While saving me he got hurt .

Aayan : He saved you .

Lisa : Yes.

Aayan : How did all this happen ?

Then Lisa told all the things of yesterday to Aayan.

Aayan : But who can do this and why?

Zayn : I was also thinking this . Lisa do you know anything about this ?

Aayan : Do you have any enemies ?

Lisa : I have no enemy .

Aayan : Then who can do this. You should tell the matter to the police .

Lisa : No i don't want to get into all this mess . And you don't have to worry about it .

Then as usual, after returning from school, Lisa sat down to study after doing all the work.

Just then a call came from Aayan and he said that he is coming for the project and everyone is coming with him.

Lisa ( over phone ) : Ok then you guys come .

Lisa doesn't want to face Aayan because she wanted to control her feeling which she couldn't after seeing Aayan .

That's why as soon as Ayan came, Lisa went to the market with Maria on the pretext of taking some things for the project .

Amyra was helping those people in the project .

Maria asked whether you proposed Ayaan or not.

Lisa : No.

Maria : Why ?

Lisa then tells Maria the reason for not proposing to Ayaan.

Maria : Are you mad ? You will sacrifice your love for the sister who had never given you respect till today. He loves you not your sister .

Lisa : He himself did not say that he loves me .

He maybe think of me as a friend .

That's why I thought of not doing the project . But Aayan forced me that's why I agreed .

Maria : How great are you ?

Lisa : Stop talking with me this way . I want Aayan to do the project with Amayra . She is also very nice and beautiful even more than me . Maybe while doing projects with her , he may also fall in love with her.

Maria : It will never happen because he loves you .

Lisa : We're home .

Maria : Now you are changing the topic . Ok fine . I am not going to talk about this.

After entering

Lisa : I'll make something for you guys to eat.

Aayan : There's no need for it. you sit and make the project with us .

Lisa : Amyra is there for it . She is helping instead of me. What do i need there .

Amayra : They are right . we can eat that anywhere outside , you don't have to cook .

After they left

Lisa : I have some work . I am going Sam's house .

Aunty : Come early . Don't get stuck there .

Lisa to Sam : I didy propose to him . You know yesterday some people tried to kidnap me but Zayn saved me .

San : who tried to kidnap you ?

Lisa : I'm not worried about this . Do you remember Varun who was my friend I told you about. I saw a same mark on Zayn's hand as it was on Varun's hand. That's why I went to Varun's house to find out about him, there it came to know that.....

Lisa started crying while saying this.

Sam : Why are you crying ?

Lisa : Varun is no more .

Sam : How did he die ?

Lisa : A few days after the day I came here for the first time, his house caught fire and Varun died.After that his parents went to London.

Lisa : I did not dare to contact his parents and ask anything . I was thinking till today that I would definitely meet her sometime But I never thought this would happen.

Lisa used to share all this with only Sam .

Next day

Aayan said hello to Lisa but Lisa ignored .

Lisa was unable to do homework due to too much tension .

Today maybe for the first time even Aayan also didn't do his homework .

The teacher gave the punishment to both of us to clean the class after school was over.

Aayan : Why do I feel that you are ignoring me ?

Lisa : It's not like that at all.

Aayan : Do not lie . At first you said that you will not do the project and do not even tell the reason . And when I came to your house that day to do the project, you went to the market with Maria .

Lisa : Yes , I am. But you shouldn't mind it.

Aayan : I mind it . Why are you ignoring me ? Have I done something wrong ?

Lisa : Why are you minding it ?

Aayan : Because.....

Lisa : Because what ..

Aayan : Because I love you .


What is Lisa going to reply ?

Who kidnapped her and what was the reason ?