
The Plumixs' Excursion

It was a Friday morning and Viviane had received a mail from the Aaron's Plumix concerning an excursion involving the second year students, she would be tagged along side someone– a recent adminee just like her. It was the Aaron's Plumix tradition that two of the recent adminees will tag along the second year students; they will all participate in an excursion exercise but this time the excursion would be to another branch of the DS organization in another city known as Campex, far outside the reach of Omi city.

Viviane rubbed her sleepy eyes once more before finally reading the rest of the message which informed her to be at the Aaron's Plumix organization before 10:00am inorder for her to ascertain her partner so both can embark on the excursion exercise with the year two students. Viviane was obviously joyous with the message she had just received. But then she wondered whom her partner would definitely be? would it be the rainbow boy whom had snubbed her when she and her friend Miki tried to wave and greet him? or would it be the other boy with earrings whom had a face-off with the rainbow boy?

Well, according to Viviane's point of view, it was obvious the duos had probably made themselves popular during the clearance exercise, so her guess would be just right if any of the two would eventually have to be her excursion partner; because she herself wasn't that much of a brainy B+ student, so why would they choose her anyway.

Viviane quickly used the shower and eventually came out a glorious scented young lady. And then she remembered that she hasn't been given a Plumix uniform, not even any of the recent adminees have been given. so she wondered how's she going to tag along with the year two students with just casual clothes; although during the clearance exercise their body measurements were taken.

So with a broad smile on her face she hummed a popular K-pop artiste song as she boarded a taxi to the street leading to the Aaron's Plumix organization.


The building meant for the year two students was certainly a sight to behold. So what about the year 3 and year 4 students' building? All these Vivian wondered in her head as she waited for the year two students and the supposed bus that would be used for their transportation; and ofcourse! Viviane hadn't noticed the whereabouts of her supposed partner.

"Wasn't he or she supposed to be here by now?" she thought to herself.

And then, a familiar looking boy walked up towards Viviane. He wore those special clothes football players do put on before they get substituted into the field and he held another of the same special clothes in one of his hand.

"Hey take this clothe and put it on," he said with a firm face as he offered Viviane the exact same clothe he wore. "Are you not Viviane Iraki?" he asked.

"Yes I am." Viviane nodded in confirmation.

"While I waited for the year two students and the supposed bus and ofcourse you my fellow adminee partner, I was given this clothe by one year two student to hand over to you."

"Oh seems you were early enough before me." Viviane said as she stared at the boy's green sleep–like eyes and absurdly curled hair. "Well, it seems like you're not getting enough sleep..."

"Never mind me..."

"So what's your name?"


"Full name's please." She smiled.

"Roy Tsunami."

to be continued...