Heart Of Flames, Fear As Fuel

Dong dong dong!

Standing in a silent corridor, Alicia knocked on the tall study room door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Lord Father."

"Alicia? Come in."

The man inside the study was a little surprised to hear Alicia's voice, and he quickly gave her permission to enter.

Alicia pushed the door open and looked at the man sitting behind a wooden desk covered with documents. She got straight to the point.

"Lord Father, please teach me spells."


Carter was taken aback by Alicia's sudden request. He stared at the silver-haired girl standing before him in surprise, before the emotions reflected on his face gradually changed.

"Child, what is it that you want?"

"I wish to protect Lord Brother. For that, I need to become strong."


Carter fell silent after hearing the girl's reply. A conflicted look surfaced on his face as he struggled internally for a long while before finally speaking in a sobering tone.

"Alicia, the road of a transcendent isn't as smooth-sailing as others think it to be. It's filled with danger and horrors. Are you certain that you wish to walk on this path for another person?"

Carter had cast aside his identity as Roel's father for the moment. He was asking this question from the standpoint of someone who had walked the same path that Alicia now sought.

Alicia looked seriously at Carter in response. The slight tinge of warmth she felt inside thinking about her resolution brought a smile on her face, and she answered determinedly.

"Yes, Lord Father. There's nothing in this world that scares me more than the thought of losing big brother Roel. The danger and horrors I face will not knock me down; they'll only make me stronger."


Carter stared at the smiling girl with a dumbfounded look on his face. He thought that he was seeing things.

Her back was faced against the abyss, and the path ahead of her was filled with brilliant radiance.

O' great Sia, this child…

Carter silently stood up from behind his desk and walked over to Alicia's side. He squatted down to look her in the eye, and he spoke with words filled with such great conviction that they almost seemed prophetic.

"Alicia, you'll become strong. I promise you that."