A promise of freedom

Trin woke up in her room, she wasn't sure what got her asleep in the first place but suddenly got an urge to write down something, maybe she got probed by the (Akash-universal bank of knowledge) she rolled over took her diary and a pen and hastened to put things down before she looses the message, she wrote: Have you ever imagined what it feels like to be old or you're already rowing it's tides? I can picture an old man; his face engraves tales of experience. His voice a sum total of the poodle's fragile tears and the ravaging of an old man's ecstatic or sorrowful heart. Each fickle, bruise, and his locomotion has stories to tell. He is a living history and witness account of his period. His insight and foresight second only to that of the gods. He hears the voice of the voiceless (silence) starting to see the reality facaded into obscurity by mother nature. His feelings are considered no more because he's said to have been a master at his age. He shows no weaknesses or vulnerability. He's a perfect road map and guide for any toddler or teenager in their exuberance and pizzazz. He has surrendered to what he understood as the impossible considering the limits of time. He outran only to be caught by the inevitable voice of silence, waiting for his invitation through the pearly gates of no gate. His language lucid and unequivocal, calms the raging storm in hearts. He's an ocean of words at heart which are stars of wisdom but experience thought him to be introvert. He enjoys his own company because he's known enough to understand that being alone doesn't necessarily imply being lonely. He speaks only the language of love, peace, unity, freedom and humility while bearing in mind that the matrix is a societal jungle. He's drifted in spontaneity and made conscious decisions as well. He's a good listener and a keen observer of both the great and small because he See's all as humans. Acceptance is his mindset while awaiting transition.

At points in your life, try to listen to these human road maps and help them in ways their weakened bodies can't because they're living examples of your life's expectancy. Let the clock tick to five and guess what? you're five seconds closer to your graves. Value the vain opportunity you have in this vast cosmos and make the most of it!

Trin dropped her pen and diary, took a deep breath and got out of her bed, she squeezed out an oral B tooth paste unto her brush and made for the wash hand basin with a bottled water and face towel hanging around her neck. She got done brushing her teeth, used the remaining water to wash her face and wipe off with the face towel. She then went over to her room and applied some soothing face oil and took some nyquil and slept off. found herself back in the village where she was a toddler, she was in this particular day and in this season where it rains heavily and toads jump out of the nearby pond, she watches as her mom and Gloria goes with a torch to catch those toads because it was night time, they dive and hit hard on the slippery floor and most at times they have the toad choking in between their tight grip, they then take it to the white bucket where they put it in and close it immediately, later when they're done catching, they'll cook hot water in a big pot and after its doing boiling, they'll divide it into two parts, one for soaking the toads who jump up and down in the bucket in misery and the other for their bath so that the cold will be driven out of their bodies, later which they apply palm kernel oil. Mrs Simeon will make a sumptuous soup with the white looking toads when they've been washed after they've been immersed enough in those hot waters. The family will eat to their heart contents. She found herself in what looks like another night while the mother and Gloria went out again in search of what was obviously something else from the toads, they went with the torch again and this time they followed a squeaky sound, it was a dry night and they used their hands to open the entrance to the place where the sound was coming from and they use a little knife to dig it a little, and their treasure shows itself, its a giant cricket and they'll repeat the same process till they've caught enough for the night. later they'll roast it till it brings out fluids and smells juicy indicating that its nice for consumption and they'll share it and savour it down. Trin at this juncture smiled out of her dreams subconsciously while she returned to her dream's last memory where she stood at the fire place that night because it was a cold breezy night. she caught sight of a snail escaping the prison made by an inverted basin and stone placed on top by the help of its Co's and she went in, picked it up and wasted its escape plan by returning it back to its confinement. She smiled at her wicked success and her mom who was watching her from outside for fear of Trin taking one and roasting it for her personal consumption and Mrs Simeon grinned at her daughters accomplishment, Trin dusted her hand and went back to squat around the fire with hands stretched forth. she later retired into the room when she's had enough and slept in her parents bed, she then found herself in the three crossroads that leads to the foot of the river where she'd normally gone to buy crayfish, that same day she went for the same cause and as she was coming back three teenager with cutlasses started chasing after her, she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her and later she halted hastily at a water body that came out of nowhere and blocked the road, it was as big as a river, she thought to herself if she should go back and face those ugly teens after her life but she decided to take her slim chances of swimming across the river with the little swimming exercises taught to her by her father but before she could dash towards the river she turned back and saw the three teenagers behind her literally flying amidst air. Without thinking much about the situation, she raised her right foot, stumped it in the ground and found herself in the air and she flew up like the rest, she then thought that the attackers were coming in closer to her and she leaned forward and zoomed off, she crossed the river and landed on the other side, just then the teenagers went back, for some reasons they couldn't follow her, she waited for a while to see if they'll come after her again and when she noticed that they've gone far, she started making for her way home but she got confronted by a dark wolf with eyes glittering out of the void. she ran in the opposite direction but the wolf easily kept up chase and just when it was about to get hold of her, she screamed and woke up from her dream sweating profusely in the cold night. She was held by her parents and calmed down because both parents were in bed with her then, they knew she had a bad nightmare and just out of curiosity Mrs Simeon asked her to narrate it to her, she did but it took a lot of mental strength for Mr and Mrs Simeon not to laugh at her surreal narrative, they expressed concerned and told her that it was malaria induced and that She'll have to drink off the fever herbal medicine they cooked the previous night. she believed them and went back to sleep. In the morning after washing their mouths and faces, everyone drank the mixture before eating for the day. Mr and Mrs Simeon went to the farm later that day to carry back palm fruit heads that have earlier been cut by Mr Simeon and they came back at intervals, and once they left and Trin started crying for just no reasons and Gloria had to carry her on her back, after a while she became shaky and missed her grip, Trin slipped off and hit her skull on the hard ground, it pained her so much that she felt trans conscious travel, she woke up in the hospital and thought to herself what it could actually mean to have a dream inside a dream. she certainly don't have an explanation to it, she guessed she was really sick! She went to the flu's ward to get her daily treatment and she also explained to the specialist there her experience, she got relieved when she was told that it was nothing serious and that she'll be discharged the next day hopefully! she thought that it was enough, she laughed hard and went to her room, she put a call to her parents, telling them of the good news. They expressed a lot of joy over the phone and got her siblings to talk to her too and they did, she later got done with the call and went and knelt beside her bed, she prayed at length thus: "Almighty and everlasting God, I give you all the praise and adoration (she was smiling because she was still distracted by the good news but she decided to respect God by curtailing her excitement and she did and continued her prayer with a calm mood) father I thank you because there's no one like you, that you infinitely remain the same, you've been good to me especially. father please forgive my shortcomings and misdemeanors in anyway I might have trespassed against you, I drench myself in the blood you shed on the cross of calvary as a follower of your teachings and ask that you make me clean and worthy of your presence again, though I know nothing about me, you, what I want or what you my creator wants, I'd love it if your spirit directs me in all I do on this vain planet before coming to bond with you. Thank you for the second chance you gave to me and the divine healing you gave me when I had no hope, am hopefully going home tomorrow but I want you yaweh to make it a certainty. Thank you Alba father for your benevolence and I submit my prayer through Jesus' name, Amen." she ended, meditated for a while and got unto her bed. she was feeling a slight migraine so she brought out a card of paracetamol from her bag and drank too tablets. she then laid down and started to relax to see if the saying which has happened to be working for her most of the time she's used it will work for her one last time, she whispered: "once you think deeply, you'll surely find something to think about" the saying proved itself right again because after some times with her thoughts hovering here and there it finally rested at the day they built a mini hut in the stone site they've been working in, they constructed it with sticks and palm fronds and weaved it together in a way that no creeping creature would crawl in. they then bring in one bedbug infested mattress into the hut which they planned to sleep upon, and after their daily work that day, they intentionally decided to sleep over there on that hut, Trin had never liked to sleep in anyplace other than where she chose to call home so they gave her the keys to go home with kaima. The rest slept in that dungeon with a torchlight and a machete at Mr Simeon's reach. Trin got home that night, and ate the food she was given as super with kaima her immediate younger and closest sibling. they went inside and told themselves one story after the other till they slept off. The next day they woke up, Trin went to the borehole and fetched some water, she used it to fill the drum they had and from there she got water to clean the house and cooked some rice she got from the bag inside with the ingredients her parents had bought earlier on. She cooked a jollof rice with washed palm oil locally known as 'banga'. And later she brought some out for kaima and herself, they ate and took their bath. Then she dished the remains into a yellow container and inserted it inside a walkie talkie bag, she and kaima left the house when she locked the gate for the site, they walked at length, the bridge being constructed at 'umunnya' the community where the site is located, they saw a lot of heavy machineries and as the white contractors shouted instructions at the labourers, they observed for a while then Trin got hold of herself and held kaima by the hand and pull her on so that they'll continue on their plight, it took them thirty minutes to get to the site and they saw their parents and their other siblings working in the pit, they've done a great deal of work, like they never slept at night and were just crawling out of the pit to take a rest when Trin and kaima arrived. The family sat down under a tree offering shade and rested, just then Trin surprised them by bringing out the food which no one told her to cook, they were famished and completely overjoyed at the sight of the food and the food Mr Simeon confessed tasted more than it looked, they praised Trin to the skies and kaima who didn't want to be left out in the praise session told them of her contributions during the food preparations, she said she ran all the errands while Trin did the cooking and that she Trin made her sweep the house that morning, the entire family we're so happy at the satisfaction the two kids have brought them and when they were offered some food, they said that they've eaten. After the food, they rested for a while and went back to work, Trin and kaima packed the stones off the front of the pit to their usual spot for cracking and every one of them worked with full vigour.

Later in the day, they washed their bodies, changed their clothes and Mr Simeon carried them in his bike back home. The next of the day was spent on additional bathing, taking pain pills and sleeping without flinching.

The next day, the kids went to school and when Mr Simeon tried to leave the house in the morning, he started looking for the money in his breast pocket and he was certain that Gloria was at it again, and he told his wife about his loss and suspicion. Mrs Simeon didn't like the idea of blindly blaming Gloria, she said that he could've simply mistakingly dropped it somewhere else though she knew how meticulous and careful her husband is but she didn't fancy the idea of nailing another Christ to the cross either, so she told him to search more and if he didn't find it, he should wait for Gloria to come back from school and he obeyed his wife. when Gloria came back from school that day, they sent her on an errand and when she was out, they brought out her school bag but what they saw took the air out of their lungs, they couldn't say a word because inside Gloria's school bag was a breast enlargement cream! Mrs Simeon was almost moved to tears and her husband couldn't maintain his composure like always either!