The next morning, they woke up and started started their morning hygiene. After that they welcomed Dr Lucy who briefed them about how the activities were going to occur that day, she apologized for not making it up to her promise the previous night and assured them that she'll make it up to them.

They continued the days planning after Dr Lucy has left for her preparations as well, the expected moment took longer than their anticipation, at about 1:56pm, Dr Lucy came to bring them along and before two minutes they were relaxed into the exquisitely furnished room, well not quite relaxed though because they were on edge. The much awaited dignitaries were having a meeting at Dr Carson's office before they were called and they joined the session at 2pm on the dot. Once again trin and her cos paid obeisance to this men and women of great influence, they later introduced themselves as Oprah Winfrey, Morgan freeman, David Eagleman, Sarah Carson, sahdguru (trin's mood skyrocketed the sight of him, she felt as if she saw God, She felt greatly intimidated, she asked herself the question: "what on earth am I going to say to impress this man?") Another was prof wole Soyinka and Melinda gates. Trin was able to identify them one after the other without them even having to introduce themselves. After they're seated, trin tried to relax, the noticed how relaxed these nobilities are, most of them were sipping from their bottled waters. Trin and co drew in some slow breathe, that's the nerve calming apparatus they've planned before hand. They began with asking trin to introduce herself to the audience and explain her out of body encounter in a detailed way, she wanted to stand up but sahdguru told her that she can sit and narrate it, after all he doesn't look like the ultimate reality she might have encountered in her experience. Everyone laughed except trin, she was serious and thinking on how to pass a solid message to these all aware beings. She started and in a space of thirty minutes, she was done, Scott, Nicole and Amanda narrated their experiences as well and the dignitaries applauded them, then the million dollar question was thrown at them by sahdguru and that is: "what is your understanding of your encounter, is what you experienced real to you? and what is your philosophy of out of body experiences and what we experience when were in it?" these questions rendered the room still, trin indicated by raising up her index finger and she got permitted then she started, "by this permission am convinced that the flawed and lengthy observation of mine which is in a way or two influenced by sociality will be evaluated by the jury here with passionate consideration of errors pertaining to my second to nothing level of intellectual prowess" the jury's nodded in approval as she continued, " I believe that thoughts have an infinite reverberation such as sound and repeated thought patterns through the law of habituation or hypnotic rhythm becomes obsession and from then it becomes a basic default reply for the mind to any activity that the mind thinks deserves such answers and from then, it becomes our belief, and belief systems reverberates just like thoughts to the transitional portal and two all dimensions of existence provided that there is a conscious being to observe it. This forms the illusions or realities we experience when we black out. Have you ever seen a Muslim who died and went to a Christian idea of heaven?, or a Christian who died and went to the Buddhist Nirvana? or a Christian who died and said he was answerable to Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva in the after life? that is to say that we only experience what our mind believes in, and that is why our fears, expectations and sense of paradises are so different. Only the truly conscious are free from these thoughts and illusions, a knowledgeable man becomes vulnerable each minute their exists a new knowledge that's out of his accumulation which he had made a part of himself but an all aware being is never surprised, and the question here remains if we want to live in ignorance called knowledge and get surprised at each discovery or get totally conscious and never get surprised by anything?. To say the truth, I really don't know which to want among this two. And am not sure we should make that decision before we use a reasonable amount of our brain capacity in the decision making because cerebral neurology has it that we haven't used a significant amount of our brains, if we make such profound decisions and shut our hearts to other ends with this spec of our brain, when were able to access it to its fullness, what will we do then? I know that 90 percent of what we claim to know in our known worlds is mere assumptions and we name everything for identification not because we know or understand what it is. So my opinion for now about my out of body encounter is that its as a result of our mind replaying the contents of our knowledge in a dramatic and anticipated manner because if I never believed in God, the holy spirit, Christ and angels, the account of scientific aliens called elohims and their leader Yahweh who was twenty five thousand years, I wouldn't have dreamt of God in a white lab looking coat, Christ, holy spirit and angels in my out of body experience. I say that I left my material body but was still living within the confines of my acclaimed knowledge, until I and others like me learn to break this cycle, we're going to remain slaves to our accumulated knowledge and belief systems, I hope you understand my take in this?" They applauded her, even sahdguru was impressed this time around. She sat down trying to contain her joy, Scott and the other girls gave their philosophies too but it was nothing original, they got applauded though. They were given a leaflet to write down fifteen self generated quotes from the lessons they've learnt from the knowledge they've accumulated over the years and as they were writing the nobilities deliberated trin's take on the out of body experience, it was so controversial for them, they agreed to disagree a couple of times, they can't come to terms with how an African girl at her early twenties was able to come up with such philosophies out of nowhere, as they were deliberating, the African human testimonials submitted their scripts one after the other and Dr Lucy was invited to read it to the hearing of everyone and most of the quotes by trin's Co's were directly from their mentors and known quotes by almost everybody but when it got to trin's turn, the air thickened, the tides change as Dr Lucy read with a pounding heart in disbelief:"

*The world's greatest wars are fought in the mind of the being who seeks peace the most, before achieving it; what an irony*

*The boldest step a man can ever make is to acquire and try to spread an idea, doctrine or philosophy that is against the cultures of his time*

Know therefore that everything is you as you're everything and as you're nothing, so is everything; vanity it is*

*Am the worlds poorest man not because I cannot get food to eat but because I can never get contented with the feat I've attained, even when am the very best, I stay hungry*

*The greatest amount of darkness lies in blinding light, the greatest amount of activity lies in inactivity and the greatest form of negativity lies in the positive ones; in other words, the purest have a dent and the most impure have some specs of purity in them*

*Children yet to know anything are the only surviving set of humans, so endeavor to let them grow in the right path of humanity and not to stake them like yam tendrils to the illusions the adult communities are living*

*In a bee's bitter sting lies the sweet honey; In adversities lies the best opportunities*

*Memories are occurrences we chose to keep with us to give us a sense of identity and to make us avoid repetition of mistakes, so don't make them the basis of your judgements rather make them the basics*

All forms of conscious existence are slaves to what they chose to call reality, because if their exists a reality, I don't exist in dogmatism but in knowing that we know nothing so we can harness the power of curiosity*

*consciousness as we know of it is tormenting and troublesome but lifelessness won't give you an opportunity to know what it feels like*" they applauded her at this juncture and they all laughed at the truism of the joke, then they continued.

"*when the blazing sun is done, we expect rainfall and after then sunshine. So when their is success, expect hurdles not failure and after that success. Cycles never cease*

*Life is a repetition of conscious and unconscious cycles of reality in different patterns with reference to time*

*In the end we should know that we're yet to use a significant amount of our brain capacity and should be mindful of our assumptions about reality which could be likened to ignorance coupled with the stupid sense of thinking that we know*

*Existence are pieces of endless possibilities or realities placed in time with reference to choices of a conscious being. The conscious being gets reality as a product of choices it made knowingly or unknowingly or choices made by other conscious beings with reference to its life which it allowed consciously or unconsciously*

Dr Lucy dropped the paper and applauded her with others in the room, most of them moved over to her and shook her hand. Later sahdguru said that what shocked him most was that this girl was only a high school leaver which stamps the theory that its not about academic education rather its about the undying curiosity and the longing to know. They had lunch together that day and these dignitaries exchanged contacts with these bright personalities from Africa and asked them to call anytime. Dr Carson announced that each of them signed a check of two million dollars each for trin and five hundred dollars for Scott, Nicole and Amanda, he added that their names and images will be added in all their branches in new York, their stories added to the hospitals websites as well as their online platforms, the dignitaries have promised to do same also. Trin and her mates couldn't believe that any of that was happening, trin nearly lost her balance and was held up by Amanda and she maintained that nothing really happened to her, they hugged every of the dignitaries tightly in tears and Oprah could only say that its the laurels of excellence. As if everything was planned ahead of time, a professional photographer came and took their pictures, he also made videos. And before Trin could say jack Robinson, the news stations started showing it, they never knew that it was a live broadcast. Morgan Freeman had said that day:" though this interview and trin's answer didn't solve our puzzle but its a nudge in the right direction. They later went out to celebrate the most wondrous day in their lives and that's after the dignitaries have left. They were handed over all their cheques and contact info of their esteemed guests. None of them could have imagined that light will fade that day with them been famous millionaires. Trin rushed over with Dr Lucy and her friends to celebrate with her family in the hotel, they threw a party though they were new arrivals in town and people who just saw the news crowded their party. This to everyone was too good to be true. Mrs Simeon took the opportunity to thank her bosom friend Dr Lucy for deeming their family worthy of such honour, she made her aware that she's saved her family and generation from living in poverty and mediocrity, after that, the party continued for long but Trin and friends had to retire to bed because of the cliffhanger of a day they had.

The next day, they made out to go and see their grand parents. The address they had was at 3333 Raleigh Houston, Texas. it took them four hours and thirty minutes of flight to get to Texas and they got into a two taxis, when they finally arrived at the semi detached cottage house, it was so spacious, had a low steel gate and fence, it has three cars parked inside, greenery at the left side of the house viewing from outside and they had different plants in buckets looking like the Japanese maple bonsais. inside the garage door was a dog of about 2.5feet which was peeping at the new arrivals. it was a blond haired dog, looks like a German Shepherd, it wagged its tail while it came towards destiny who had beckoned on him, though it was his first time seeing her, she the furs in his jaws and asked him: "are our grannies at home? hope you've been taking good care of them?" he made some moaning sound and licked her cloth. She started moving in after others have started going in, led by Dr Lucy who was much more familiar with the scene. Mrs Simeon seems ravaged by the storms of nostalgia as she felt the bonsais in the garden. Her husband signalled to her as they went in to come join them but as she didn't seem to notice him, he drew closer to her, held her and whispered something into her ears and she followed him, Dr Lucy was at the wooden beautifully crafted German door, she announced their arrival and Mrs brook came to get the door, she opened up and as if she's seen a ghost, she started crying immediately she saw her daughter Grace, she ran inside and got her husband, her husband at first couldn't recognize his daughter but after a little while he started spotting the resemblances in his wife, he too was moved to an emotional wreck as he made over and hugged her tightly, they cried like abandoned orphans and Mrs brook was laying down on the floor amidst sobs, she couldn't get a hold of herself, these emotions unbridled after so many years. After some time, they went inside, Trin took her siblings to go walk around the compound and Mrs Simeon and her husband knelt down and started apologizing to her parents, asking them for forgiveness for shattering them emotionally for a period of almost twenty five years, just then the news about the Hopkins research was reviewed and Mr brook understood that his grandchild outside was the doyen of the newfangled plight and the news all over the states, he laughed as he said to his wife: "we have a celebrity for a granddaughter". They forgave Mr and Mrs Simeon as Dr Lucy pleaded along and they cleared the air by explaining that their first son took them to a physiotherapists in downtown LA where they got a brain therapy and their mental condition improved a lot, Mr brook was also receiving treatment about the leukaemia he's been battling and he's been getting wonderful results apart from the occasional bark of coughs that attacked him, Mrs brook made macaroni that afternoon and they ate and flushed it down with refreshments, Mr and Mrs brook smiled from mouth to ear that day, their teeth didn't close for any second. Trin called her friend back home, Sarah was so alive over the phone because she said that the news was all over Nigeria and the social platforms are saturated with the news. She was crazily delighted and said that she couldn't wait to see her, they exchanged heartfelt emotions before ending the call. Trin got online but her Instagram and Facebook accounts have generated much traffic that she didn't know where to start and she wouldn't want to make the wrong move, she tried to chat her close circles from before but her phone kept on boozing as if it was going to explode, she couldn't believe what she was witnessing, her phone screen was drifting at a high speed like computer stimulations used to calculate matrices and algorithms. She switched it off because even when she turned off her data, people who she didn't know how they managed to get her mobile number continued to call her for reasons best known to the gods only. She took her bath and tried to force herself to sleep, she thought that things had happened too quickly though she's been wishing to be self made at a young age. She recalled the words of her yogic mentor sahdguru about the kundalini yoga and its dangerous speedy manifestation, she was sure she didn't get herself involve in it, not after the warnings that followed it, she's used the power of perpetual transmutation of energy through the power of positive thoughts but she never taught it'll manifest for real. The people she saw the previous day were the very set of great minds she have always wished to meet but she didn't know it will happen that fast. She questioned herself to know if she had done some lucid dreaming and through altering the dream world changed her reality to her wishes but she couldn't remember doing any of that. The only option left to her thought now is that the cosmos allowed it, not because she deserved it but because she so desired it and the universe can't go against it's laws. She backtracked her mind to when she hardly breathed in the room and how her thoughts placed themselves one after the other till it composed a symphony of philosophies of metal physical life and quotes. What else could one wish for other than a sound mind capable of accomplishing anything and with the universe by its side, she guessed that the Harbinger's lessons about unification of positive thoughts to generate positive realities through astral transmogrification later paid off. In her mind, she expressed her gratitude to all her mentors and to her backbone of a family and lastly to the source energy for making this reality a possibility. She switched on her phone again, merely out of curiosity and to set all her notifications to priorities and to verified accounts only so that her phone could rest, she saw a whole lot of propositions from other hospitals who were willing to partner with her though she don't know the reason behind the propositions, she drifted up and down in between news feeds and finally she switched off again, this was really overwhelming, she couldn't believe how fast this transition happened. She got off her bed, took a bottled water, wore her sweat pants and went off to jog around the neighborhood but people's eyes burned her body everywhere she went, some even wanted an autograph and she embarrassingly said that she's not ready for that yet, she ran home, took another bath and went to her only refuge, her mother, to explain to her what she's been facing but she met her parents in deep conversations and she went inside again sat atop her bed and in what seemed like a trance she drifted away while sitting up!