Chapter 139

Everyone was scared of being judged, and even the littlest words could affect and ruin a person's reputation.

Lady Melissa was no exception to that, she was afraid to be judged, no less by hundreds or even thousands of people in high society.

But she didn't have a choice, she was born into the Shayla family, and she knew that she would be judged no matter where she went, just because of her family.

The smallest actions Lady Mleissa did would make society judge her, even if it was the simplest act of speaking.

It was the burden that came along from being a child of the Shayla family, the only child.

Maybe some of the spotlight would've been shared with her sibling, if she had one, and the expectations from society would decrease, but Lady Melissa would never know.

She wouldn't have a sibling anytime soon, and it would probably stay that way.