C - 7

(Raditz lover would be an oc)

Morning arrive as Ryuu and Gohan is eating their breakfast.

"Gohan, where did you go yesterday with uncle Piccolo?" Ryuu ask Gohan who is eating his food.

"Uncle Piccolo train me by hunting a dinosaurs, I don't even know the use of it though" Gohan said as he continue eating.

"Oh, anyway Mom, did you know any strong woman so that I can introduce Uncle Raditz to her" Ryuu said to Chichi who is eating.

"Hmm, I don't know someone who's stronger than me but there is someone I know who always challenge someone stronger, she should be at East capital, you can find her there, but be careful okay" Chichi said.

"And her name is Kana by the way, bring your uncle Raditz there if he really want a lover. Oh and I have her number in my scouter" Chichi added as she continue eating.

"Thanks Mom, I'll go first so that I can let them meet up with each other, bye Mom, bye brother Gohan" Ryuu said as he get up from his chair and go outside calling his nimbus.

Ryuu then hop on his nimbus and flew off towards the lookout where Raditz is.

Minutes of flying is just him singing towards the lookout as he arrive and hop off from the nimbus and ran towards the room of Raditz.

Knocking at the door, Raditz open it to see his nephew Ryuu grinning at him.

"Uncle I found someone from my mom's friend, she said she is strong and like to challenge every strong people, you should go meet her" Ryuu said as he grin towards Raditz.

"How do you find someone so fast, anyway let's see if you said is true, if not no money from me okay" Raditz said and walk inside as he dresses up.

"Here's the number of her by the way, her name is Kana" Ryuu said as he hand out the scouter for Raditz to see.

"Okay okay, let's go" Raditz said and pick the shirt of Ryuu and flew off.

"Ahh, let go of me you single virgin, I can fly" Ryuu said as he grab the hand to let go off him.

Raditz laugh as he let go of him and Flew towards east capital as Ryuu said.

The duo flew towards east city while talking to each other, minutes of flying later, they finally arrive at east capital, and ask the people where Kana is and pointed towards a dojo called Weretiger dojo, (I'm really bad at naming) since she is well known cause she always challenge everyone who's strong looking people.

"Thanks" Ryuu said as they walk towards the dojo and get inside to see a Woman fighting with ten people.

"That should be my soon to be Aunty, she is quite strong for a human, right uncle, Uncle?" Ryuu said as he look at his daze uncle looking towards the Woman who is fighting.

Ryuu also check the Power Level of her, she has only 85 PL.

*Raditz Pov*

My name's Raditz, brother of Kakarot or now known as Goku, Uncle of two Nephews, Gohan and Ryuu. Ryuu and I is currently at east capital as to meet up someone strong, a woman.

Ryuu is currently asking someone where Kana is, the woman we will meet and told us where she is currently at, and we go to the weretiger dojo who teaches a martial arts that resemble the fierceness of a tiger.

As we walk towards the dojo, we see a woman who has a karate hairstyle and fighting ten people. The fight is good, first she let them do the first attack, if the one who attack first she dodge it and elbow their back and kick the second one who is close to her.

Then grab the one who got elbow and throw him towards the others and leap through them with a tiger claw strike towards the face of who catch the thrown guy.

Making them to get smash towards the floor, and sweep her legs towards the closest opponent of her, tripping him and dodge another attack and roundhouse kick him to the liver making him grasp for air.

The fight is a one sided massacre, it mesmerize me of the fighting style and the girl who is moving like she is just dancing.

*Raditz Pov end*

"Hey uncle snap out of it" Ryuu said as he snap his finger close to the face of Raditz snapping him out.

"Huh, oh what did you say Ryuu, I didn't listen what your saying" Raditz said as he kept looking at the girl who finish the fight with people lying around.

"Hehe, do you like her uncle, go talk to her if you want and I will just go to a store to buy a candy" Ryuu said as he walk out of the dojo and go to a store where he can buy a candy.

"Tch, that kid" Raditz said and turn to look at the Woman to see that she is walking towards him.

"You are strong, stronger than this ten people here, fight me" Kana said and get in fighting stance.

"Sorry miss, I'm not here to fight, I'm here to meet you to talk about things, by any chance are you Kana, friend of Chichi?" Raditz said and reach his hand out for a handshake.

"Oh so you are Friends with Chichi, yes she told me someone will come to meet me, so what's your name" Kana said as she reach her hands out and shake with him.

"Raditz, My name is Raditz, nice to meet you miss Kana" Raditz said.

"Just call me Kana, no need to add Miss, so what do you want to talk about." Kana said.

"Oh, can we talk to a restaurant if you want" Raditz suggest.

"Oh I'm good, So what's do you want to talk about, is it date, taking me out, fight with me, or you really just want to talk" Kana said like she already know what he come for.

"And if you want to ask me out, then defeat me then I will go out with you" Kana said and getting into battle stance again.

While Raditz' cheek get red, and curse his nephew for not being here to help him out.

" *Sigh*, is this the only way I can ask you out" Raditz ask and lowering his PL to match her PL.

"Yes it's the only way, I don't want someone to take me out but cannot defend himself from danger" Kana said.

Raditz who heard her explanation approve like it's quite embarrassment for the guy to ask her out and weaker than her, they might get rob or someone harasses her and the guy who take her out can't even defend her from the guys.

Raditz and Kana then got into battle stance waiting for someone to attack first.

Will Raditz and Kana go out with each other or will Raditz will be defeated.

Next time on Reincarnated as the second son of Goku.