C - 13

The z fighters hug goku one by one while Raditz pats the back of his brother and told him to be strong for his grandpa and his family, as he supports him what he will do from now on.

Vegeta who revert back from his original form sat down to a rock as he pant, looking at the z fighters who has a happy faces, thought.

'It must be nice to have friends...no it's family, so this is the reason why Raditz didn't come back huh' Vegeta said as he look at the sky as tears flows from his eyes.

Ryuu who is hugging his dad break free and look where Nappa is lying down with bloods all over his body and unconscious.

"So what do we do about that bald big guy, do we use dragon balls to him or not" Ryuu said loud enough for the scouter that has chips to spy from frieza force, so that the namek saga will continue, since he want to see the live of goku and frieza battle.

"No need, I have senzu beans here" Krillin said and hand the bag full of senzu beans.

"Thanks, I will go help him out, while you guys do your talking" Ryuu said and flew where Nappa is and crush the senzu bean in his mouth, then to vegeta and try to do the same.

"Tch, I can do it on my own brat" Vegeta said as he snatch the bean and put in his mouth, and healed while his PL increase to 22,500 PL, and Nappa have an increase to 10,050 PL.

"You must be... the short prince uncle talk about, called vegetable...no it's called vegeta right" Ryuu said and stretch his hand for handshake but got slap away.

"Tch, remember this kid, I will become a king of all saiyan and will be the first to achieve the legendary super saiyan than you all could achieve" Vegeta said and look away and walk towards where his space pod is.

Nappa who woke up see Vegeta walking towards the space pod flew towards him and look one last time towards the z fighter.

"This is not over Raditz!, you hear me!, this is not over!, I will come back stronger than all of you combine!" Vegeta who open his space pod shouted towards the z fighters.

"Hai, your majesty, be strong when you get back here okay. We will wait for you" Raditz who heard the shout wave and shouted back as the two space pod flew off towards where the frieza forces is stationed.

"Oh well, I might as well celebrate this victory and tell them to travel the space for vacation or something" Ryuu said as he walk towards the group.

"Hey guys, why don't we travel to space for vacation or something, we might find new races at the space who is strong" Ryuu said and sat down next to Goku who finally stop crying and letting his emotion out.

"Hmm, that is quite a good idea, but we might need bulma to make us a big space ship" Raditz said and let Kana's head in his shoulder as he put his head at the top.

"Yeah, let's do that, it might be a fun vacation from this fight, we should bring all of our families" Goku who is back to his usual state said. The reason he suggest that because he want to spend with his family more and train his sons.

"I think I'll pass, Launch is waiting for me at our house" Tien said and yes they finally buy a house from his saving he got from Ryuu who sometimes spar with him and pay him 1,000,000 zen each. The same happens to the other z fighters as Ryuu wanted them to have their own money that they earn.

Quite a convenient magic, do anything be it creating clothes, money, guns, laser, even a planet he can create anything if he wants to but there is a restriction and that is he need to be stronger so that he can create anything with magic.

The other z fighters has already agree to join this vacation, and flew off to their respective location as they say their goodbye.

Gohan, Goku and Ryuu is flying towards where the house is and arrive just in minutes. Knocking at the door Chichi opened it and see Goku.

Goku seeing chichi hug her as she also hug back since they did not see each other for 10 months. And also Gohan and Ryuu is already at their base form.

" How are you Goku?" Chichi who is in his embrace said and hug goku again.

"I'm doing fine, I'm proud that you are the mother of our sons, since you raise them correct and look they become a strong kids now, anyway chichi, we are having a vacation to the space, do you want to join us" Goku said to Chichi.

"Of course, since our sons will be there and you too, we can have our bonding with our family" Chichi said as she got down and hug her sons one by one.

"That's wonderful, let's go inside to rest and tomorrow we will tell bulma if she wants to join us and I think we should use the dragon ball for space ship" Goku said as they get inside their house.

"Hmm, I will get the dragon balls for you, I'll be back" Ryuu who is listening interrupted the conversation.

"Okay, be careful out there" Chichi said as she wave her hand towards Ryuu.

"Bye Ryuu, Mom what's the food today" Gohan who is left out from the conversation said.

" Some soups, meats, rice, and some vegetables meals, you should go wash your hands" Chichi said while clinging towards goku.

Gohan nodded and ran off to wash his hand and eat. While Chichi and Goku talk what's happening for the past months that Goku miss and also told her about what happen to his training at King kai's place, he learn kaioken and spirit bomb there.

Ryuu who is heading towards the capsule corps arrive and ring the bell, as a robot arrive.

"How can I help you with" The robot says.

"I'm here for aunt bulma, names Ryuu by the way, she should know me" Ryuu said.

"Oh it's mister Ryuu, come inside, we have drinks for you, what type of drinks do you want" The robot said as it let Ryuu in.

"No I'm good, I'm just here for the dragon radar and aunt bulma" Ryuu said.

"Oh ok, please wait as I call madam bulma" The robot said as he let Ryuu sit in the couch and walk towards one of the rooms for researching.

Minutes later, The robot together with Bulma arrive with a dragon radar in her hand.

"Hello there Ryuu, so how's the training going today, anything good happening around" Bulma said as she hand the dragon radar to Ryuu who pick it up.

"Hmhm, Dad arrive today while we also fight this two saiyans from space and as we where fighting the so called prince of saiyan throw an orb that get us transform into a giant ape, called oozaru as he called it" Ryuu explain what happen from the fight and also mentioning about the vacation which she agreed to come.

Minutes pass by, as they talk Ryuu bid his farewell and search for the dragon balls, he first went to the ocean as that is the closest thing to find. As he arrive at the place the dragon radar keep beeping faster and pointed forward then backward, seeing the radar being crazy Ryuu dive to the ocean and see a shiny orange ball with 2 stars.

Getting the star, he put it in his newly created bag and flew to the second ball that is close, the mountain with snows around, this is where Goku, Vegeta, Frieza vs Broly fight.

Flying through the cold the radar pointed forward and see a bright orange 6 stars and pick it up and put it in his bag, this continues for 2 hours and finally he get all 7 balls that is shining constantly. He flew to the capsule corps is and handed the radar to Bulma and told her when they will do the space vacation.

Ryuu then flew towards their house and knock on the door. The door open as he saw Gohan.

"Oh brother gohan, I have the dragon balls here, tell dad that I have it in me" Ryuu said.

"Oh Ryuu, I will tell dad, Dad!, Ryuu has arrive and he has the dragon balls ready" Gohan shouted.

Goku who heard it walk outside and see his two son talking with each other while Chichi following him.

"Dad, let's go summon shenron, can I summon shenron this time" Ryuu ask as he shake the balls in the socket.

"Okay, but be careful of what you wish okay" Goku said.

Ryuu nodded as he place the dragon balls to the ground and summon shenron. The sky turn dark while thunder is heard, while the seven balls float forming a circle and a golden light form into an eastern dragon.

"Who have summon me, state your wish" Shenron said.

"I wish for a space ship that can fit hundred people in it, while having a gravity max of what you can grant, and also it has all or most coordination from every planet, and also the language is already translated from their languages to earth language, and also make it like the hoi poi capsule so that we can just bring it everywhere, that is all thank you" Ryuu said to Shenron who's eyes shine.

"Your wish has been granted, farewell mortal" Shenron said as he transform into seven balls and shoots out at a random places but Ryuu catch is with a ki net, so that they would not find it everytime they search it.

A capsule float and drop at the ground before making a poof sound as a big space ship, a bit small size of frieza space ship appear.

Ryuu and Co. get inside to see many rooms with bathrooms, toilets and also a gravity room that can reach upto 50x only because of how big the ship is, Ryuu also go to the control room where the would fly.

"This is nice and big, we can literally have a party in here" Ryuu said as he look around excitedly.

While the Son family nodded at his words, they get out and turn the space ship into a capsule.

Somewhere around the space. Space ship is floating around while two space pods arrive and opening the door for the two space pod.

The workers look at the two space pod and it open, Vegeta and Nappa walk out completely unharmed but their armour has many holes and broken pieces, they take off the armour and change it for the newer one and walk towards where frieza is currently.

"So two little monkey has arrive, what's your information that you've got from the planet full of weaklings" Frieza who is in 1st form said while floating with his chair and lower it to have face to face with vegeta.

"We got an information about this thing that could grant someone a wish called dragon balls, we should find a powerful dragon ball to wish anything" Vegeta said fearfully and hatefully towards Frieza.

"Good, good, that's my little monkey, now get to your rooms and I will call you out if I needed you in my presence" Frieza said as the two saiyans walk out.

"Someone call that can locate this so called dragon balls that can wish anything" Frieza said to his servant.

The servant nodded and ran to call out someone who knows any information about dragon balls. Seconds later they arrive with sweats flowing.

"You, tell me what you know about dragon balls" Frieza said as he pointed towards the guy.

"Ye..yes Lord Frieza, the dragon balls I know is from namek, they have this magical balls that if you collect all 7 balls it will summon a dragon and grant you wishes, that's all I know Lord Frieza" The guy said as sweats fall to the ground.

"Good, now die" Frieza said as a lazer beam hit his head penetrating him.

"Clean that trash here and mop the floor of his dirty sweat" Frieza said and turn around and see mutliple planets floating around.

The attendant nodded frantically and ordered the other guys to clean the mess.

"Kekeke, Hahahaha, With this dragon balls, I can finally wish to get taller" Frieza said as he laugh hysterically.

Nex time on Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.