C - 16

Age 762, November 6.

Ryuu woke up felling refresh as the kaioken is not to be seen anymore, Ryuu just thought that the kaioken disperse from his sleep.

He brush his teeth and wash his face. Walk out of the room he see piccolo drinking a coffee and greeted him.

"Good morning Piccolo san( uncle to san), How is your sleep today, do you feel refresh and need some sparring partner" Ryuu said as he get his chocolate milk.

"I do not need a sparring partner, you should rest your body every 2 days of your training so that you can get a massive benefit when you continue training" Piccolo said as he sat down on the couch.

"Oh, thanks for telling me" Ryuu said as he plug in the earphone and play a music.

Piccolo just nod and drink his coffee. Minutes later, Goku woke up and see his second son with piccolo doing their own thing.

"Hello there Piccolo, Good morning to you Ryuu, you too Piccolo good morning" Goku said as he pick a chocolate milk from the Portable Filter or PortaFilter(I love google).

Goku then sat down next to them as he drink his Chocolate milk. The next one to get of their rooms is Krillin who greeted the three and pick some coffee Latte, and sit next to them as Goku and Krillin talk.

Next one is Yamcha with Puar who is yawning while greeting the four, and pick an Americano coffee, and sat down next to Piccolo who is reading some newspaper.

The next one is Gohan, Kana, Raditz and Chichi at the same time, and greeted the five who is doing their own thing, and pick their morning coffees.

And the last one is Bulma who is tired from researching something, and just greet them tiredly.

" Let's go train, so who's gonna come with me for training" Goku said as he look at everyone.

"I'll go, I want to move around a bit, since my body is stiff" Yamcha said as he finish his coffee.

Krillin, Raditz and Piccolo also agreed while Gohan just want to watch them train.

While the women will be talking with each other making Ryuu the only one who has no plans.

They separate with each other, The one who will be training go to the training room and the women go do their woman talk inside the controller room, while Ryuu get a notebook and translating some songs since he is bored and nothing to do.

"I should be a singer when I have the time and nothing to do like training or saving the earth, and also having a popularity cause who doesn't want it, even if it's just a little" Ryuu muttered as he write the lyrics of Mapa by SB 19 in english.

Mom, how are you?

We don't always see each other anymore.

I miss you so much.

It's always us who you put first.

Can't you go first this time?

I'd bear the worries now.

Because you are my eyes,

Everytime the world is changing.

The reason of my breathing

So don't worry,

Close your eyes, Stop crying,

Rest for now, I'll take care of it.

You've done too much.

Mom, rest first.

Let me do it.

Lataratara Lataralata

Lataratara Lataralata

Dad, do you still remember

When I was young, right?

You prepared my heart

For the things that the world brings.

I carry your every advice

And to the end, even we are apart.

I will stand, promise. My father.

Because you are my feet

Whenever I'm already crawling.

The reason of my breathing.

So don't worry,

Close your eyes, Stop crying,

Rest for now, I'll take care of it.

You've done too much

Dad, rest first.

Let me do it.

Lataratara Lataralata

Lataratara Lataralata

I won't waste

Any more breaths.

I will go now to where the important things are.

I will not be lost anytime

For I brought the map

Wherever I go, I know where I came from.

So don't worry,

Close your eyes.

Stop crying, rest for now.

Let me do it.

So don't worry,

Close your eyes, Stop crying,

Rest for now, I'll take care of it.

You've done too much.

Mom, Dad, rest first.

Let me do it.

Lataratara Lataralata

Lataratara Lataralata

Lataratara Lataralata

Lataratara Lataralata

Mom, Dad

Take a rest now.

I'll be the one taking care of you now.

'This should do, now, who will be sponsoring me when I get famous' Ryuu thought as he look at what he wrote.

'I will ask bulma next time if she can sponsor the concerts when I sing, I also need a band, but who will it be?, There is Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, and many more' Ryuu thought as he think who will be at the band.

"Nah, I'll just let the fate decide it, and go with the flow" He muttered and write another song from eminem, Rap God.

Many hours later, lunch finally arrive and he hide the notebook in his room and go outside to eat.

"You're here, So what did you do this morning" Goku ask with a full mouth.

"Nothing, just listening to a music" Ryuu said, and sit down as he recall what he wrote, Ed sheeran: Perfect, Photograph.

Pharrell Williams: Happy, Bruno Mars: Just the way you are, Billionaire, The lazy song, Treasure and many more.

They eat their food and go to their own things to do, Gohan also follow to continue training with the others, While Ryuu just do his own thing in his room, writing and translating some songs.

"Ahh, this is tiring, writing all the lyrics and translating it, I might just finish this tomorrow and push ups today for the remaining time I have" Ryuu said as he get into a finger push ups and increase the gravity around him to 110x with 5 tonnes around his clothes.

"1..2..3...7...9...13...30...45...69...96...100...150...210...500" Ryuu said as his whole body soaking wet and his muscles in pain ready to tear for one last push ups.

Ryuu pant as he heal himself and bringing his PL to 1,980,000 PL. Then continue to shadow box with 10 tonnes of gloves this time, two jab, straight punch, weave, right hook, jab, weave, jab, lean backward, straight, then move around, jab, lean sideways, left uppercut, weave, left hook, two jabs, lean backwards, body blow, then dempsey roll, right hook, weave, left hook, weave, right hook, weave, left hook.

Doing the dempsey roll, with eyes close imagining the enemy infront of him, as that opponent getting punch continuously.

Hours of shadow boxing 1:00 pm to 7:05 pm, Ryuu kept shadow boxing as his room getting hotter and hotter from the heat he produces, while sweat is on the floor making a puddle of sweats.

He also heal his body everytime the pain is unbearable, making his PL to 2,000,000 in base.

Wiping his sweat and mopping the floor, as well changing his clothes to a new one. He goes outside and eat vigorously as they look at him eating like it's his last meal.

"Slow down, Ryuu, the food will not run away from you, so slow down" Chichi said.

Ryuu just nodded and eat, drink and eat left and right, minutes later, he finally finish eating.

"Thanks for the food, I will go to my room now and sleep" Ryuu said as he bid and goes inside and sleep like a cat.

"What's gotten into him, he must have a lot of thought in his mind right now" Chichi said worriedly.

"Now, don't worry too much, it's not like he will be gone in a blink of an eye" Goku said as he pat her.

"He must be tired from something, let's not disturb him for now" Raditz said and continue to eat.

"I think when he thought what will his goal is, that's when he started to act weird, that must be it" Gohan who is listening said.

The adults who heard Gohan nodded in understanding and just let Ryuu be for now and not disturb him.