C - 18

Age 762, November 9.

Ryuu is currently stuffing the ship of the kids into his magic storage, he created yesterday night before he sleep and succeeded in creating it.

While the kids watching him in awe from the ship vanish in the blink of an eye. Ryuu puff his chest, proud of himself at creating a magic storage.

They get inside the ship and flew off to continue their journey in planet namek. Ryuu walk into his room while the others do their own things, Tang is training with Gohan. His PL is 1,100 and Gohan who is looking for a sparring partner see that he has a big PL and ask him to train with him.

Which Tang agrees and walk inside the Training room. While Karot is helping in research with bulma, the thing they research is a ship that can transform to anything which they have not made a progress yet.

Piccolo is babysitting the 4 months old girl who is sleeping in his arms, while meditating and trying to not wake the girl, her race is from the majin race that is created by buu.

The kids from yesterday are playing a tag while the adults is sitting at the sofa watching the kids running around. there is a 2 kids girl and boy from race of Hit from universe 6, 4 from frieza's race which is a different planet of frieza's birth place. 1 boy and 3 girls but they are not siblings, the same to the previous 2 kids. A 10 kids of the hera race, the one where bojack is from.

21 from tuffle race including Karot, 16 Brench- seijin, including Tang, 6 from zarbon's race, and last 9 from the hedgehog like humanoid race.

Totaling to 69 kids, this kids just play and do their own things with a happy faces, some even go to the controller room to see the space which has many planets, some goes to the training room to watch Gohan and Tang fighting with each other and cheering.

" Those from the hedgehog humanoid race has an interesting abilities, they can create a portal to escape and can also fire their hair into needles, while the one Piccolo is babysitting is from majin race, that girl would be powerful if she train since she can regenerate like buu" Ryuu murmured while writing each of the races from the kids and the races abilities.

"The two kids from the race of hit, I think has the same timeskip or is it more powerful than hit's timeskip." Ryuu write down and think of how to unlock super saiyan or the legendary super saiyan.

Ryuu can go into his ssj4 but black transformation at will, since he practice it time to time but I, the author forgot to write it down.

Ryuu cannot still go into the ikari since there's no threat that can make him go all out and unlock his ikari.

"Oh well, I'll just try to transform into ikari when we arrive at the namek" Ryuu said and create a set of clothes weighing at 40 tonnes and the gravity around him get heavier stopping when he finally kneel.

The gravity is around 50x and because of the 40 tonnes clothes and multiply it by 50x makes him kneel to the ground.

Minutes later Ryuu can finally stood up and do basic warm up, then go into one hand finger push ups for 100 each in each hands.

"1..3..7..16..24..36...42...58...69..78..84...99...100" Ryuu said while panting, then switch to his other hand and do the same.

"1..4..6..9..35..67..87...99..100" Ryuu laid down and a normal push ups to 1,000.

"1..2..6..100...321...666...788...893...987...1000" Then get into a boxing position and shadow box, straight punch, jab, weave, right hook, ali shuffle, straight, lean sideway, two jabs, right hook, left hook.

The shadow box continue for hours until he pass out from exhaustion, while the others are eating lunch. Seeing that Ryuu did not get out of his room, make Chichi worry and knock on the door, but she got no response from Ryuu.

She knock again but this time louder, but still no noise coming from his room, increasing her worry of Ryuu, she then get inside since it's not lock to see Ryuu sleeping soundlessly while his clothes fool of sweat.

Chichi became worried as she go to his son's side and try to wake him up which is successful and sigh in relief.

"What happen to you!?, Why are you lying down on the ground and soaking wet" Chichi ask Ryuu who is healing and recovering.

"Exhaustion from training, I should be fine now, sorry for making you worry mom" Ryuu said as he got up and his PL increase once again to 2,000,000 PL.

"Good, now let's eat, they are waiting" Chichi said as Ryuu nodded and change his clothes while Chichi already walk out of the room and eat.

Ryuu then walk out of the room and see the kids asking him many things like how can he store that big ship, can I also learn that, which Ryuu answered as they go to the table to eat.

" I heard from your Mom, that you pass out from exhaustion, is that true" Goku ask Ryuu who is being asks by the kids and answered Goku.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it won't happen again" Ryuu said apologetically towards Goku who nods.

"Hmm, don't worry, I will not scold you for that little things, I also pass out from my training you know and grandpa gohan always bring me to the house everytime I pass out" Goku said.

"By the way Dad, you did not tell us more about Grandpa Gohan" Ryuu ask as he want to know more about Grandpa Gohan.

"Yeah, you didn't tell us about grandpa gohan" Gohan who is listening said.

"Okay, I will tell you, Grandpa Gohan is the one who teach me martial arts, he is also the one taking care of me when I was little, He also give teach me how to hunt our own food. You're Grandpa is a good and nice man, sadly when I peed that night, I transform into a great ape and killing him in the process, by the time I reverted back, I see grandpa gohan in his last breath and hand me the 4 star dragon ball and told me to protect it and I did. Many years later, When I was catching a fish, I encounter bulma and we go into the journey of finding dragon ball, and that's also the time I met your mother chichi" Goku told the story from Grandpa Gohan to his adventure.

While the kids increases from listening the story of Goku's adventure of finding the dragon balls with bulma and also the story of how he met chichi along the way and promise her to marry when they grow up, which the girls screams while the boys listen to the fighting instead.

The story continues through evening and some kids already fall asleep and the adults pick them up and put them into their respective rooms.

While the kids who is eagerly waiting for the story to continue. Goku continue the story where he left it off, he fight Tao pai pai and loss then he climb the Korin's tower to train and drink the divine water, the training continues for three days and by the time he finish he finally got the divine water and drink it, and intense pain assaulted him, making the kids go ohhh, and then he challenge Tao pai pai again and he win, he also destroy the Red ribbon armies making the boys excited.

Seeing the kids having fun, Goku smile and continue the stories.

Next time on Reincarnated as the middle son of Goku.