C - 40

Age 767, May 12.

Android 20 who's in the rope shouted towards Eris.

"Wait!, I will bring you to my laboratory if you let go of me!" Android 20 said desperately while looking at Eris who's bringing them to the other z fighters.

The others who heard him. Fly towards them and look at him intently.

"I will let you go if you tell us where your laboratory" Vegeta said and a ki ball form in his hand.

"If not... Your head will be blown" He then aim it at Android 20 who's sweating.

"I swear!.. Please let me go!, And I will tell you where my laboratory is!" Android 20 said while Android 19 didn't talk anything.

"Tell us where is your laboratory now or you will die here!" Ryuu said.

"I will! I will!... But, can you let go of me first." Android 20 said.

Ryuu look at Eris and nod at her. Eris nod back and disperse the rope around android 20 while keeping android 19 for her research.

"Please follow me and I will lead you to my laboratory" Android 20 said and the others nodded.

Android 20 then fly towards where his laboratory is and thought.

'Kekeke, What an idiots. I will open the capsule of 16, 17, and 18. Then tell them to kill this guys. Even though 16 is defective, I still can use him to fight Goku and 17 and 18 should be enough for this guys. I should also open my newly creation, Blob. An android I created with the use of the blood cells of the kids from the one they bring here from space' Android 20 thought while flying.

'Even though, Blob is incomplete because I haven't get the blood cell of Goku's second son, it should be enough to fight them together with 17,18 and 16' Android 20 thought and minutes later they arrive at the laboratory of Android 20.

"We are here, Please follow me." Android 20 said as they nodded.

Android 20 reach in his pocket for a remote and pointed it towards the rock and when he press the button. The surrounding shake and a door open.

"Looks like we have arrive. Since I promise to let you go. You can scram now!" Vegeta said while smirking.

"Thank you!, I will go now!" Android 20 said while secretly opening the four capsule of 16,17,18 and blob. Except that the only bloods Android 20 give him did not include blossom's.

"Bye bye... You can die now" Ryuu said and shoot a laser with his finger, surprising Android 20.

"What!?, I thought you would let me go?" Android 20 said and look at the hole in his chest.

"Oh yes... Vegeta san did say you can go but not us. We haven't said anything about letting you go anyway" Ryuu said while smirking and shoot another laser towards Android 20 head.

"You!?...Assho...." Android 20 said and the second laser hit his head stopping him from talking.

"Let's go and see what's hidden in this laboratory." Goku said while Bulma with trunks in her arms follow excitedly.

But when they reach the gate. four silhouette appear and seconds later it revealed.

A black hair man, A blonde hair girl, A tomahawk orange hair, and vegeta like hair with a face of Goku walk.

"Huh!?... Who are you!?" Krillin ask and looking at Android 18. While thinking of his drawing from namek.

"Ehh... A small guy huh. And many powerful fighters are all here" Android 18 said and walk towards krillin who's backing out and kiss his cheek.

Krillin got surprise and touch his cheek. He blush and go to the back while looking at her time to time.

"I am android 17 and this girl here is 18. While that big guy over there is 16 and that guy is Blob. Dr. Gero name him that because his lazy" Android 17 said and reach his hand for handshake.

Goku then shook his hand and a confuse face appear.

"Are you a threat to earth?" Goku said confuse.

"Don't worry about us. But you should worry about android 16 here since dr. gero order his brain to attack you" As android 17 said that. Android 16 dash towards Goku and punch him which Goku dodge it.

Goku and Android 16 then fight somewhere while Chichi and the others follow except for Vegeta, Eris, Ryuu, Bulma and Piccolo.

"You should be the second son of Goku. Let's fight kid" Blob with a similar face of goku and a hair of vegeta said.

"Not interested. What type of android are you anyway, You look like my dad and had a hair of Vegeta san" Ryuu said while looking at him with a weird face.

"Don't look at me like that, Anyway... Let's fight wether you like it or not." Blob said with excitement and punch towards Ryuu.

"Vegeta san, Piccolo san. Please destroy the lab and Eris. Fight android 17 and 18 if they attack you or Bulma san." Ryuu said while dodging around from the punches of Blob.

"We will. You can just stay here Vegeta and protect your wife and I will destroy this lab." Piccolo said as he fly inside the lab and planting a ki bomb around and will detonate if he willed it.

"Thanks, I will fight this android then. Let's go somewhere" Ryuu said and Blob nodded with excitement in his face.

"Looks like they are fighting. We will go now" Android 17 said with a smile and Android 18 look where Krillin is and smile.

"Nope. I will not let you go somewhere without Ryuu's permission" Eris said with Android 19 in her rope.

"I see... We will stay here then and wait for them to finish and also... That Ryuu kid will be killed cause Blob is the strongest android than us combine. He has the blood of all the kids you bring from space" Android 17 said as he sat down to wait for them.

"Fufufu, You underestimate Ryuu at all. His the strongest in our group, so that Blob guy your talking about will be the one to be defeated" Eris said while raising her chest out.

"I see... Oh well, let's just wait for the two to arrive then and see the result" Android 17 said while Piccolo already got out while killing cell when he stumbled upon him by blowing it up a hundred times for a sure kill.

Piccolo then detonate the ki bombs he place inside and making too many noises inside. Piccolo also bring the blue prints and many secured safe to Bulma for research purposes.

They look at Piccolo who arrive with explosion at his back and hand the documents and blue prints for androids at Bulma who ask for it.