C - 43

Age 767, May 13

Somewhere around the corner of the never-ending universe, a lone planet with no sign of life. A portal suddenly appeared as two humans with the tails of a monkey walked out. The other human is injured all over his body with his head being burned, while the other one is similar in face to the injured guy but older.

"Fuck! I'm late, Ryuu's head is burned from that last blast and the whole timeline is messed up because of those stupid fuckers" Said the mysterious guy.

Then a groan was heard in his side where Ryuu is.

"Oh, you're awake. Don't move too much or you'll pass out" He said as Ryuu looked at him in confusion and asked.

"Who am I? Where am I? Who are you?" Ryuu said as he looked around with vigilance ready to fight a threat.

"Oh, my workload will increase again" He whispered.

"You didn't know your name? Well, your name is Ryuu and we are currently on an uninhabitable planet which we teleported through a portal. Don't worry I won't harm you, You are injured because of a fight which I saved you from. My name's Eryu by the way". Eryu said with a smile but deep inside he complained about his work increase in the future.

" Ryuu... Why can't I remember anything?" Ryuu said as he sat down while his body and magic automatically heal his body. Which he noticed but didn't voice out.

"Well, you got hit by some overpowered blast straight to your head, but don't worry I will help you till your memories are back" Eryu said while checking his magical suitcase full of weapons, ranging from a toothpick to a nuclear bomb that's the size of a fist.

"Oh... So what are you going to do now, since I don't remember anything? I don't think you should help me since I might be a useless person with this condition of mine" Ryuu said with his body fully healed but his memory isn't back yet.

"Don't worry about that, you just have to pay me until your memory comes back. Now that's done, in the next few living with me. We will train until you're fully healed" Eryu said and picked some puppets from his bag.

"Train? What's that" Ryuu asked as he looked in interest towards the puppets.

"Well, the train is a type of transportation, joke. It just makes you stronger so that you can have your revenge. Now don't ask anymore, here, wear these gravity clothes on and adjust it to 10 thousand. Add 1 thousand every 1 hour until the clothes cant go up" Eryu said as he tosses the clothes towards Ryuu who catches it.

Ryuu just shrugs and change his clothes while going with the flow.





Near planet Beerus, Earth got teleported there with Whis in his serious face while checking the Z fighters who are crying silently while Chichi passed out from exhaustion.

"Dad... is brother gonna be okay?" Gohan asked with a clenched fist and blood flowing through.

"I... We don't know son but trust your Brother. He will make it out alive" Goku said while looking at the dark sky since they are far from the solar system. Piccolo who's silent throughout this ordeal raise his arms upward and shoot an energy ball to imitate the sun.

"Hello, can I talk to you for a second?" Whis said towards Goku who's blaming himself for being weak and can't help his son to fight.

"What is it Whis san?" Goku asked.

"Well... Do you want to become stronger?" Whis said his proposal while thinking. 'since his son is a monster, he might be a monster too who hasn't tapped his full potential '

"This... Is it okay for me to train under you?" Goku asked but got interrupted by Vegeta.

"I'm in, I can't even do anything to help my fellow Saiyan. I want to be strong and become the rightful king of Saiyan who they can look up to and feel safe around me" Vegeta said with a clenched fist.

One by one, the Z fighters also joined in and made Goku accept his proposal while Gohan will continue studying while training with Whis.





Two months later, Age 767, July 13.

Ryuu and Eryu are training in a harsh environment, sparring around while making a shockwave to the environment.

"You're getting stronger Ryuu, around 100x or more when I first saved you from that fight" Eryu said while dodging every attack of Ryuu.

"Well, it's all thanks to you but I still didn't have my memories back for the past months, So what stage am I now, Eryu" Ryuu said with his silver eyes.

"Well, you're just in the beginning towards godhood. There are 10 stages which are purified Ki or God ki which I like to call, this is the first stage and the second stage is a mystery, for now, I will tell you when you arrived at this stage." Eryu said.

"I see... So what stage are you now, Eryu" Ryuu asked.

"Well... Around the 3rd stage, I'm closer to the fourth stage" Eryu said.

Ryuu nodded while increasing his pace of attacks which Eryu just dodge.

This continues for hours until they stopped to meditate and control their ki to compress it more until it turned liquid. The first ki is like a smoke that is floating around and the second ki level is in liquid form which he learned from Eryu. He said that it will make him stronger than ever which is true but the process is hard and as time passed by, It is getting harder.

He needs his full concentration to turn his monstrous ki into liquid ki and if a single mistake he makes can make his whole ki go wild as his conscious will be gone until he passed out from exhaustion or someone knocked him out.

Which he did in his first time practising this technique. Luckily, Eryu is with him.

If not for Eryu, he might wreck this planet or in the worst case, annihilation. He also learned the U.I omen from Eryu who taught it to him.