Ch - 45

Age 767, December 13.

5 months had passed since I trained with Eryu, I finally achieve the Third Stage which is the Autonomous UI Physique. A stage where I move without thinking, permanently.

Also, today is the day that Eryu and I separated ways.

" Eryu... So, this is our last training huh... Thank you for teaching me all you know and also the payment of protecting the universe, I will do so. " I said, getting emotional. The past months I've been with Eryu are one of the most memorable memories.

He teaches me everything he knows and patiently trained me even though he is also a busybody.

" Don't worry about it, Ryuu. I gotta go now, my deadline for staying here is over. Goodbye, see you in many years to come " Eryu said, hugging Ryuu. Ryuu hugged Eryu back, patting its back.

" I gotta go. Goodbye, Ryuu " Eryu said and a space vortex sucked him in, disappearing in front of his eyes.

" Yeah... Goodbye, Son. Well, I gotta go too since my parents and Eris is waiting for me and the fighters too. Can't forget them. Also the kids " I muttered as I spread my Ki sense all around the Universe and find them at the corner of the Universe.

I teleported there, whilst hiding my presence to surprise them. I looked at the Z fighters, training super hard that their average power level reaches Billions or even trillions. The kids also matured and the tuffle kids make androids and improve them to a higher level. Soon, I see Eris and Gohan had sparring... Well, I wouldn't call it sparring, and instead, Eris is toying with Gohan. She is even dodging at ease and flicks her finger to Gohan's forehead.

Goku and Vegeta also sparred as mountains got destroyed every time they fight, also they are in super Saiyan blue while fighting. I also see Whis and Beerus supervising the Z fighters from their training.

All in all, they had major improvements from the time I was gone and it seems that Beerus woke up because of the threat to the universe, making him train the promising warriors.

Minutes later, the sparring and training finish as it is lunchtime. I saw them getting their food as I sneak near them and get my food.

At the table where the Z fighters are eating.

" Guys, we are finally stronger from the past months and soon, we can have our revenge on those scums that hurt Ryuu. " Eris said, clenching her fist that it bleeds.

" Yeah, we will avenge him soon but we need more strength, they are too many for us to handle I don't think we had enough strength to defeat them all " Gohan, the smart one of the group said. While Eris is smart, she is more on technologies and doesn't give a damn about anything except for Ryuu.

" Yeah, we should do that and get revenge with those guys who injured me," I said while laughing inside.

" Hmm, ye... Huh!? Ryuu!? You are finally back! Thank God you're okay!" Eris who realizes jumps in joy and hugged Ryuu while crying.

" Waah! *sniff* I was so scared when you were gone and fight those guys on your own! I'm glad you're okay and nothing happens to you! " Eris said, crying every second.

" You're back Brother! " Gohan said and hugs me tightly that my God Physique might get crashed from pressure.

Soon, all the Z fighters, Kids, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Ox-King, and all the humans present hugged Ryuu one by one and some even hugged him tightly it broke his arms. But with his regeneration, it's back again and had a huge boost in strength.

" Yeah, yeah. I'm back guys and I miss you all. Also, it seems that all of you are getting stronger. Should we do a spar? All of you versus me, what do you say. This could also be an opportunity to point out any mistakes from your training " I said, making the battle-hungry warriors agree as I make a huge stage that is made of the strongest materials.

We get into the stage as I motioned them to attack me, the first ones to attack are Goku and Gohan with their new combo attack. With a barrage of small energy balls and a Kamehameha, the balls swirl around the Kamehameha beam while the Kamehameha gets stronger and faster.

I deflect it with the back of my hands as Eris use her technology that can even pierce through the hardest metal but I dodged it with little movements, I saw Vegeta attacking me in close combat and I retaliate by flicking my finger as the wind burst strongly that it makes a tornado in a horizontal line while numerous blades were with the tornado.

This makes Vegeta dodge the attack and didn't try blocking it heads-on because he would get shredded by that attack. This action makes them drenched in sweat. Seeing that they don't want to attack, I attack them instead by blinking to the strongest of them all, Beerus. Yes, you read it right. Beerus joined the fight because he was getting bored but sadly what he didn't know is that I am merciless when getting into a fight and don't hold back at all.

I punched Beerus in the face super hard that his swollen cheek looks like Champa's cheek. I attack him again by kicking his arm, snapping it. Making him scream, thus the nightmare comes back to the Z fighters, and had a flashback from the early days when I first spar with them. They cautiously group up and attack me at the same time as they know that they can't do shit anymore.

This makes me approve of them as they finally know that having teammates is better. More satisfaction of breaking their bodies because of how many they are.

I looked at them and goes to my super Saiyan but this time it was different as my aura was crystal green with my hair tinted in green mixed with my blonde hair.

Attacking them with a barrage of ki balls for distraction, I didn't think that it would be stronger and wiping them out in the process.