Great first day...Not

I exhaled deeply as I stood in front of the huge ass building. It was roughly the tallest building in all of the City. It was quite intimidating to be honest standing in all it's 1,436 ft glory.

I considered turning around and running back to my crap of an apartment but that idea was way too far fetched. I needed the money or I will be out on my feet by next month.

'Martinez Enterprises' read the sign.

I sighed as I headed to the doors of the building.

This is what I've worked for all theses years I thought as I walked through the doors. The lobby of the floor was quite busy with employees walking all around. I was in awe spinning and taking in my surroundings.

I saw the secretaries' desk and went to ask her for instructions and told her who I was.

She was a very beautiful young lady looking to be about in her thirties and she was elegantly yet simply dressed.

She was of a slender stature and was delicate looking and she had a very polite smile and a seemingly kind nature. I felt my nerves subsided when I am around her.

"Miss Rodriquez welcome to Martinez Enterprises. My name is Maria and I am a secretary here" she said smiling with an outstretched arm.

Her arm movements were very dainty which had me wondering if she ever did ballet or some sort of contemporary dance for she was so graceful.

I took her hand smiling surprised at how soft they felt and she gestured for me to follow her into the elevator, "Right this way please Ms. Rodriquez."

"You can call me Mariana", being called "Miss" makes me feel so old and professional which are two things that I am not.

So far so good.

Maybe I won't kill or injure myself or any one today I cheered my self on. I have a very clumsy nature and sometimes I wonder how I have managed to keep myself alive for the past 23 years.

The elevator dinged and when we got to the 40th floor, then Maria stepped out of the elevator and headed down the corridor.

Me being nosy and easily distracted didn't notice how far she had gotten so I had to do a little run to catch up to her, then me being me I tripped on the air and nearly fell flat on my face.

Maria looked back at me questioningly and I just smiled. She smiled back and kept walking as if nothing had happened. So professional.

So much for not injuring myself today great, just great.

She lead me around another corner where I saw a huge office with a smaller one attached it. Although my office was smaller it had got to be larger than my entire apartment. Entering the I walked around admiring the office furniture. I ran my hand across the desk and Maria spoke.

"You can change the furniture to a style of your liking if you would like" she said politely.

"No no its okay" , I sat on the chair and spun around, "I like it."

A beautiful chuckle left her pink tinted heart shaped lips and I stared in awe. She was really gorgeous, "Well I'm glad you like it."

Upon remembering that I was at one of the most prestigious work place in the city, I stopped spinning immediately and straightened my posture. I had to be on my best behavior or I will be deemed unfit and be kicked out of here. I gulped at the thought.

"So Mr. Martinez won't be here until a few minutes for he is running late." She said as she checked her wrist watch giving it a light tap and I watched her movements, and I nodded paying very close attention.

He could be however late he wants to be, heck he could even decide not to come in today.

That would be great.

"Since it is your first day you won't have much to do. Just make him his coffee, he likes it black and stay out of his way and everything should be fine" she said as she exited the- I mean my office closing the door behind her.

When I was certain she was out of earshot for the clicking of her red bottoms have faded I started squealing and jumping for joy.

I did it, I actually did it!. I have a job that pays well and even my own office wow!

I took a tour of my office opening the cabinets and searching through the draws just like the nosy bitch I was.

I took my jacket off and unbuttoned the top of my shirt and placed my legs on the desk and pretended to be a sexy secretary like in those cheesy romance novels.

Picture this, Miss sexy Rodriquez sitting in her office then a strong handsome man comes in and-wait wait wait.


That sounds more like the beginning of a cheesy porno.

I got bored of my own imagination and decided to snoop in Mr. Martinez's office.

"Don't do it" said the little voice in my head, but I just ignored it and opened the door to my office to make sure that the coast was clear and stepped out of my office into his.

It was huge with a large mahogany desk in the back of the room in a centered position.

There were couches and cabinets on either side of the room, and there were also funny looking paintings on the wall, but hey I didn't understand art so who am I to judge.

The view from here was amazing, but I was afraid of heights so I didn't stay to look that long.

Who knows with my clumsy nature I would have broke the glass and fallen on something.

I walked around his desk fighting the urge to not rummage through his drawers, and I bit my lip and balled my hands into fist at my side.

The handles were so inviting and we're chanting with their naughty words. "Open me, open me" they begged, so me being as obedient as I am I did as I was told.

Who am I to deprive a drawer from its request?

Opening a draw I saw some files and I quickly took one out and rummaged through. It looked like some kind of merging contract of some sort.


I sat in his chair and place my feet on the desk acting as if I was the CEO, but with Mariana Catalina Rodriquez around it was inevitable for something to break or fall, so I accidentally knocked something over and as I bent down to get it the door burst own.

"I just arrived in my office from a weekend break and I have to deal with this bullshit already?" I heard the person who I'm guessing to be my boss roared.

Shit. I am dead. I am fucking dead.

He came over to the desk and furiously placed his briefcase down. I decided it was now or never. Looks like it was time to face the music I thought.

Rising from my place behind his desk I said cheerfully and guiltily, "Good Morning sir!"

"What the fuc- who the fuck are you" he yelled both startled and angry.

"Hi I'm Marianna Catalina Rodriquez your new secretary" I said smiling with outstretched arm.

He hung up the phone and stared at me with a furious look. I retracted my hand and held it to my chest as if I had just been bitten, and his jaw ticked out of irritation and he must have been considering throwing me out of the window. I know I would.

I messed up, I really did and it was only my first day. Way to go Marianna I thought. What a perfect first day to my new job I thought sarcastically.