The Mansion

We seemed to have arrived at our destination as I felt the car come to a stop, then the door opened and Mr. Beast stepped out first.

I followed suit and was amazed by the sight Infront of me.

Behold was a huge mansion with a beautiful garden and landscape. How cliché.

I had never seen anything like it so I stood there staring around in awe.

The mansion was painted a sleek grey with huge pillars an the front with a giant wooden door accentuating the front. The steps were gorgeous and resemble the steps of a palace.

It was truly remarkable.

I saw gardeners tending to the garden and guards doing rounds. I wonder what the inside looked like and who else lives here. It was big enough for a family of like, I don't know ten?

I felt a hand on the small of my back and I flinched. It was Mr beast guiding me up to the steps of the house- I mean mansion.

"You're drooling" said the annoying person beside me, and I being as gullible as I was checked my face for drool and behold, there was none.


He lead me up the steps with his hand still on my back and I wanted to tell him to move it but I didn't.

He opened the door and gestured for me to get in so I did and my draw dropped.

The inside was even more breath taking than the outside. The furniture was modern with an ancient touch which had just the right balance to make it sleek yet elegant looking.

The décor was amazing.

There were two grand stairs that joined together at the top which then goes left and right to where I'm guessing the bedrooms are. The kitchen was to the left of the stairs where I saw workers through the threshold.

He went up the stairs and I followed.

He turned to the right and headed down a well lit corridor with paintings on the both walls and I was actually impressed.

How rich was this guy?

There were so many rooms as if it were an hotel.

How many people exactly live here? I thought as he stood Infront of a huge door.

He glanced at me before entering and went straight to his adjoining bathroom. There was a couch in his room so I decided to make myself at home there. It was seriously comfy, my bed and couch combined could not compare. It sucks being poor.

My inquisitiveness didn't let me sit quiet for too long although I fought as hard as I could, I found myself wandering about his room running my hands over any and everything.

The bed sheets were silk and we're very soft. I took a sniff and the sheets smelled like him.

Well without the coffee and her smell that is.

I soon found my self in his walk in closet that was definitely the size of my apartment if not bigger.

This man was filthy rich I thought as I ran my hand over his suits loving the feeling. They felt so expensive. I bet one suit is worth more than my apartment, I thought to myself and laughed bitterly.

Due to my distraction from the expensive suits I hadn't heard when the shower was turned off and Mr. Martinez exited the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" asked a voice from behind startling me causing me to lose my balance.

I jumped in my place knocking over his tie rack in the process.

"Mr. Martinez you scared me" I exhaled deeply holding my chest.

"What the fuck are you doing in my closet touching my stuff!?" he yelled.

"Well I was umm assuming my role as your PA you see and I was ensuring everything was clean" I said trying to put together a believable lie while dusting off his suits.

"First my office now my closet. Are you some kind of thief!?" he roared like the beast he was.

Something in me snapped at his accusation and I found myself hitting him across the cheek before I could stop myself.

I gasped out of realization and apologized panicking.

How will he kill me now? Does he have a gun? Will he chop my fingers off, slit my throat?

Oh God I can think of a million ways that he could kill me for strength was on his side.

I'm practically under fed and probably almost or am underweight for my age and height.

He backed me against the wall of the closet and placed a hand around my neck and I gasped a little at how tight his hold was, and I held my breath.

Ok strangling it is.

Bye bye world.

His nose flared and his jaw ticked.

I was seriously scared for my life.

It felt like those times in the foster homes where I would get a spanking for any little thing. whether I did it or not.

I felt powerless Ike a mouse in a mouse trap.

"You have been committing many offenses since this morning and I am losing my patience with you Miss Rodriquez." he said dangerously close to my face, "do you know what I do with little girls who misbehave Miss Rodriquez?" he asked and I shook my head no seeing as I didn't trust myself to speak in that moment. Dropping his voice to an octave he said, "I place them across my lap and spank them until they learn how to behave."

My eyes widened in shock and he smirked at my response.

I felt a tingle between my legs and I crossed them to quench the feeling for I felt hot all over and horny and the fact that he was naked and only in a towel didn't help.

Wait was I thinking he was my boss.

We've only just met and besides he has a girlfriend.

At the thought of that annoying witch I came back to my senses and regained my composure.

"I am sorry for my actions sir but you have to understand that it was a reflex for being falsely accused" I stated face straight and eyes cold, "I am no thief neither do I intend to be. I have a very inquisitive nature that sometimes I cannot control. I will try harder in the future and I am sorry for all of my troubles sir" I said looking him dead in the eye, a very serious tone in my voice.

He removed his hand from around my neck and backed away. The cool air hit my neck and I swallowed. This is definitely going to leave a mark it hurts so much.

I walked passed him brushing his shoulder and exited his room. I would have left the mansion if I knew where I was and how to get back home, but I was stupid enough to follow a stranger home.

I was having a bad day and wanted nothing more than to curl up on my tiny couch watching a cheesy ROM-COM.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't notice when I bumped into some one.

"Oww" I said falling to the ground with a thud.

"Oh my goodness I am sorry I didn't see you there" said the owner of the rock hard chest.

"It's okay" I said rubbing my forehead where I collided.

He outstretched his arm, "here let me give you a hand", so I took it and he pulled me to my feet.

I finally looked at this stranger to find that he was very attractive. Very very attractive.

All my anger towards him dissipated as I stood there not so subtly checking him out.

He was tall with broad shoulders, a sharp jawline, full pink lips and a perfect nose. He was absolutely beautiful and just my type.

"Ah thank you" he said scratching the back of his head out of embarrassment.

"Huh? Did I say that out loud?" I asked confused.

"Yeah you kinda did" he said chuckling.

My cheeks heated up out of embarrassment and I averted my gaze and allowed my hair to fall over my face.

Sometimes I regret not being born without a filter. No wonder why my parents didn't want me. I wasn't fully functional I thought bitterly.

"Hey no need to feel embarrassed" he said sweetly.

"My name is Antonio and I work here as a gardener" he said smiling with an outstretched arm.

"Hi my name is Mar-"

"Marianna!?" I heard Mr. Beast called me from upstairs.

"Yeah that's my name" I said sighing turning to head to where I was called.

"It was nice meeting you!" yelled Antonio from where I left him in the kitchen.

"Likewise" I said about to climb the stairs.

What could this bastard possibly want? I sighed.

It's all for the money I chanted to encourage myself. It worked. Who said money couldn't solve your problems?