
"Where are you going?" asked Maria when she saw me on my way out the day and I panicked not knowing what to say, but luckily she said what she wanted to before I could come up with a believable lie, "anyway Mrs. Martinez is looking for you."

"Huh? Oh okay. I'll go find her now."

She nodded and I exhaled as I looked at the door to the exit and into the crowd where Mrs. Martinez might be as I weighed my options.

Ah fuck it.

"Marianna dear where have you been?" asked Miss Angelina after I tapped her on her shoulder making her aware of my presence.

"I've been here you know just mingling." I said smiling as she pulled me in for a tight hug.

"We have been looking every where for you and we starting to think that you must have left or something. The twins are somewhere here."

"Okay. I'll go find them. It was nice seeing you again Miss Angelina." I said looking around in the crowd trying to find them.

"Likewise dear. I wish to see you soon."