Through his eyes pt.3

We had a lunch meeting today with the shareholders and Marianna had insisted on bringing Maria along today as well, but Maria had refused saying that she was merely a front desk secretary and she had no place at a meeting with her boss and share holders.

She was quite right, but I decided on asking her to come anyways reassuring her that it was fine and finally agreed making Marianna happy, which then made me happy.

Everybody wins.

The meeting went great and the ladies had such a fun and relaxing time and so did I.

Marianna and I had gotten closer on the ride over here as she told me a bit about herself, and we were now on first name basis and I guess you can say, that we kind of bonded, but all of that came crashing down after she opened up a few wounds which I had no attentions of addressing.

My dad was still a very sore topic, and I admit that I might have been a bit too harsh, but what gave her the right to pry in my life?