
Unlike the las time that we did it, our kiss started as off slow and sweet with his caressing my cheeks as he backed me up against the kitchen counter, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he hoisted me in the air to sit on the said counter.

"Fuck" I moaned as he gripped a fist full of my hair which then caused my head to fall back exposing my neck where he began to place feather like kisses all over my neck and collarbone.

The need to have him was growing stronger and stronger by the minute as he nipped and sucked my skin teasingly and I was about to lose my patience with how slow he was unbuttoning my shirt and I yelled, "just fucking rip it!"

He smirked as he did what I said ripping my shirt my open exposing my chest as it quickly rose and fell and he placed aa kiss over my heart and I closed my eyes for a brief second enjoying the feeling.