

"No?" I asked.


"Yes?" I asked even more confused.

"Yes you heard me. It's a no. No you can't go."

"I'm sorry what? Why not? Why can't I go?" I asked still confused, and a little mad.

"You can't go because I said so. You're not going anywhere without me."

"Okay one you're not the boss of me, and two you are not my tail, hence why I can go where ever I want whenever without you following behind me behind me."

"Well for starters yes I am your boss, and secondly I am always in front, and what I said is final. You're not going so run along and go tell your little friend Maria that you're sorry, but you cant come."

"How dare you speak to me like this, and how dare you tell me to run along as if I'm some kid. You might be my boss, b ut your not my father.'

"Oh really? Then why do I have a recollection of you calling me daddy this morning hm? What cat's got your tongue or is it covered in my cum?"