Two families becoming one

Emilio, and I had finally decided on when to tell his family about the baby, and we both had agreed on a date, and now today is that day.

Marissa, had been quite frantic and nervous ever since I told her about the plans, and honestly I understand where she was coming from, but it was getting a bit frustrating having to reassure her every minute.

I too was a bit nervous to be honest, for I haven't seen his family in a while, and the last time that we saw each other was well, not idea.

Emilio, however, had reassured me that everything was now okay with him, and his mom, and not to worry about anything, so I was taking his word for it.

"Marissa, have you seen the hair straightener?" I asked while searching my room for it, for I could have sworn that I had it here.

"Yeah here it is. How do I look? Do you think that they will like me?"