Miss Trouble

"What do you think baby, does mommy look good?" I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror, "I really like this dress, and so did daddy when he bought it, so let's wear it."

I had planned on stopping by at Emilio's workplace today a few minutes before lunch, and bring him something home made to eat.

"Hey stranger." I said to Maria, smiling as I walked up to her desk, and when she had gotten over the initial shock of seeing me, she began to squeal, and came to hug me.

"How my God how are you? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?"

"I'm fine. I'm just here to see Emilio." I said, and she rose a brow.

"You heard about his new PA huh? Is that why you're here?" she asked, and I feigned innocence.

"Why would you ever think such a thing? Can't I visit my man any more?"

"Mhmm." she said as she returned behind her desk, and took the phone up to make a call, "so do you want me to tell him that you're coming or?"

"No no, that's fine. I want to surprise him."