Adult juice

"Are you ready?" asked Emilio, as we stood facing each other with the poppers in our hands, and I nodded holding my breath.

"Now on the count of three. One. Two. Three."

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I knew it!" I exclaimed in excitement as I looked at the color of the popper floating in the air, as everyone cheered, and Emilio lifted me up, and spun me in the air.

"Baby, we're having a boy! I'm going to be a boy dad! Oh my God thank you!"

"This is all on you silly." I said giggling as he kept kissing me all over, "it is the dad who determines the sex of the baby."

"Well than you for carrying my son then. What do you want? I'll buy you anything you want baby."

"Emilio, it's fine. I already have everything that I need, and want." I said placing a hand on my stomach, and my other on his shoulder, "now go and celebrate with your family, for I really need to pee."