Post Partum

"Okay, put him down gently now. I don't want him to wake up." I said to Emilio, as he was about to place Mateo in his crib


"I am being quiet." I whispered, and we exited the nursery after we had successfully got him to sleep.

"I never knew that he would have been so much work, since he was so quiet when he was born."

"I know right. He had the audacity to be tired, and sleepy as if he hadn't just been sleeping his entire time in my belly?" I said, and he laughed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as we sat on the couch, and I shrugged sighing.

"Well I have spilt milk all over me, and me entire body aches, but I'll be fine."

"I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this my love. Wait here. I'll go get your bath running."

I smiled as I laid down on the couch waiting for Emilio to return, and when he did, he carried me all the way up the stairs, and stripped me naked before testing the water, and lowering me in.