Daddy-Mommy-Daughter-Grandson date

So it was finally the day that we had all agree on to meet and spend the day together, and to be honest, I was quite excited.

"Marianna, and Mateo, hey." said Edmond coming to hug us, and I returned his hug.

"Hey. It is so nice to see you again."

"You as well my dear Marissa." said Edmond, and she blushed.

"Hello, Edmond, it is always a pleasure to see you."

"So uhh Edmond, what is it that you have planned for us today?" I asked, and he pulled out his phone where I saw that he had written a list, and boy was he prepared.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could start off our day at the aquarium, then we can take Mateo to a fun land, ad then we can all eat lunch, and to end the day off we can go skating then watch a movie. What do you guys think? Is it too much?"

"Oh no, it is quite fine, I'm just worried that Mateo, will be asleep for most of this."

"Oh, you're right. Should I just remove some of this?" he asked, and I shook my head no.