Happily ever after…NOT

"Mateo? Mateo!?" I called for what felt like the one Hundredth time as I sighed getting his lunch together.

I swear I don't know what is up with that boy, and not wanting to get up for school in the morning.

I mean I know who he gets it from but still.

"Morning hun. Is the coffee ready?" Asked Emilio as he placed a kiss on my cheek after coming up behind me in the kitchen, and I nodded.

"Want me to go wake him up?"

"Better you, than me, for if it is me, I will taking my assistant the chancla." I said, and he chucked.

"No need."

Placing another kiss on my cheek before leaving to go wake up Mateo, I finished up with making their breakfast and plating them after packing their lunches.

"Morning mommy."

"Good morning baby." I said as I smiled at my six year old, with his fluffy bed head and red cheeks.

"Ouu pancakes for breakfast? Yum." He said as he squirted chocolate syrup over them, and I chuckled.