Chapter 2 Everything Is Ok Pt 1

 "Ignorance is the womb of monsters."

‒ Henry Ward Beecher.

4:34 pm

Dimitri gets home and sees his mother and father preparing dinner in the kitchen and sneaks pass them hiding his bruised face and freshly bloodied clothes.

Dimitri opens his bedroom door and finds Tyrese looking out through his window. Tyrese looks back seeing the bruises on Dimitri's face and ask him if he had a rough day at school. Dimitri lowers his head and replied with a simple yes.

Tyrese then ask Dimitri to explain what happened and Dimitri told Tyrese that after he got off the bus today on his way home a guy who he had bumped into earlier in the morning, drove up on him and got out of his car with several men, one of the men which was the guy's brother and the other men with him started beating Dimitri saying you better look where you're going next time.

Tyrese angrily says "So some grown men attacked you over some stupid shit like bumping into someone?"

Dimitri replied "The other guy must've spun his side of the story and being petty about it brought his brother for me."

Tyrese exclaims "Dimitri if you can give me a good description of these guys I'll deal with them."

Dimitri in an outburst says "You think you could beat one of these guys? They're grown big ass dudes who are in a gang."

Tyrese stops Dimitri and tells him "This is something serious, those people could've fucking killed you and I only got to spend a few hours seeing you again, I can't lose my bestfriend you idiot!"

Hearing the commotion from the room Dimitri's mother opens the door to see Dimitri's injuries and running up to him asking what had happened to him.

Dimitri gives his mother a summary of what happened and she starts tearing up while hugging him saying "We have to call the police".

Tyrese feeling awkward walks pass them both and goes to the guest bedroom. Locking the door and sitting on the bed then laying back staring at the ceiling, Tyrese attempts to sleep without having dinner for that evening.

9:33 pm

Tyrese wakes up soaked in sweat from a nightmare of him eating the Daniels family. Placing his palm on his face he says to himself "I'm getting hunger pains now, I have to eat something"

Hearing a buzzing he looks towards the window seeing a fly bouncing against the window. Getting up from the bed he then opens the window, bracing himself and jumps out, landing from a fall of 4 stories. Tyrese begins to wonder the streets of the brightly lit city. Seeing a man walking closely behind a woman at a distance that she doesn't notice him from walking through a dimly lit street.

9:45 pm

Tyrese follows the man suspecting him to be up to nothing good and holds his stomach as he gets more pains. The man nearing a dark enough location that the woman walks through looks behind him, seeing no one nearby he pulls out a syringe walking faster to close in the  distance between him and the woman.

9:53 pm

As he gets within just 6 feet of her she turns around and rushes at the man knocking him to the ground pinning his hands above his head. The woman leans in and whispers something to the man, he then violently tries to shake her off of him kicking and screaming to no avail powerless to her surprising overwhelming strength.

9:56 pm

Tyrese still watching from a far enough distance to have not been noticed recognizes that the woman is also a Chimera just like him. The woman bites into the mans neck ripping his throat out.

The man convulsing and gargling on his own blood choking on it, barely sees or hear as the woman begins laughing as if watching the man struggle and dying a horrid death was pleasurable to her.

Tyrese thinks to himself "I get he was trying to do something bad to her before but she almost makes me pity the poor guy"

Tyrese leans off the wall that he was up against and looks for another target to satiate his ever growing hunger.

10:12 pm

Feeling weaker, Tyrese smells the familiar scent of blood not to far from him. Rushing over to where the smell is coming from he sees that it's a butcher throwing away a bag of raw meat in a dumpster.

As soon as the butcher leaves Tyrese jumps into the dumpster tearing open the bag eating the meat inside.

10:33 pm

Tyrese cleans off the blood and starts back walking through the busy parts of the city. On his way back to the apartment, Tyrese notices he's being followed taking a peak behind him he sees it's the same lady from earlier.

Afraid of a confrontation infront of many witnesses or leading her towards the people he cares about. Tyrese leads her over to the same place she had eaten the man earlier.

She steps out of the shadow saying "Bold of you to come here of all places to a deadend nonetheless"

Tyrese turns to her and ask "Why are you following me?"

The woman replies "I've taken an interest in you that's all"

Confused Tyrese ask "What kind of interest?"

The woman walking closer to Tyrese tells him "The kind where I've never seen you before from around here, you look new"

Tyrese replies "Yeah I'm visiting for a bit and". Suddenly the woman tackles Tyrese into a wall lifting him with one arm and pinning him by his neck against the wall. Tyrese gasping for air sees no other choice but to use his power and his feet once more is surrounded by the black and red mist, disappearing it reveals his bird like feet.

A kick is sent to her midsection from Tyrese right leg to her left side. The woman loses her grip and is sent flying into a wall cracking it on impact. Tyrese ready for a fight to the death takes up a nearby brick and kicks it at her. The woman gets up almost as if she had been unfazed shifts her body to a side avoiding the incoming brick.

Not being surprised by the toughness of his opponent, Tyrese lunges forward and delivers a flurry of kicks. The woman puts her arms up guarding her vital areas and most of the attacks aimed at her head. She sees an opening and quickly leans forward then under one of Tyrese's kicks from the left.

Tyrese defenseless from the angle she is coming at quickly uses the momentum from his last kick to pull his body rotating it to facing her and placing his hands infront of him he braces for the attack. A loud thwack could be heard as she delivers a punch that sent Tyrese straight in the air.

Tyrese lands on the ground hitting his back on the hard cement. In pain Tyrese ability wore off as the woman walks up to him and places her foot on his chest, pressing down her weight onto him.

A cracking sound could be as she applied more pressure until a voice could be heard. The woman looks in the direction the voice came from easing her foot off Tyrese as his vision becomes blurry and everything around him becomes drowned out he closes his eyes.