Chapter 6 The Organization (First Day)

"It's men you should be afraid of, not monsters."

‒ Niccolo Ammaniti.


To whom it may concern

This is The Organization

We are a global special forces company that has trained many people in dealing with the supernatural threat known as the Chimera. Most of this information is public knowledge.

What are Chimeras?

Chimeras are cannibalistic creatures with a genetic makeup similar to that of humans but they also carry the genetic makeup of all other animal species known to man both extinct and living. They can access a power that allows them to gain supernatural like abilities. They have an unknown lifespan.

How do they feed?

A Chimera usually eats raw meat, freshly killed or preserved through freezing. They can't eat cooked food because to them it taste horrible and their body rejects it forcing them to vomit it back up if forcibly eaten. They are known to be cannibals as feeding on any animal is like eating one of their kind. They get several benefits from each meal like the nutritious properties a single slab of meat could bring to them but they gain more nutrients from eating humans. One adult male could allow them to go an entire month without having to feed again, eating other animals only give them a few days to weeks of nutrients.

How are Chimeras created?

They are either born or they infect a human through the use of blood transfusions. The second method has a 1/10 chance of actually producing a Chimera because the death rate is the remaining 9/10. Their blood is not compatible with animals, killing any animal that had digested or been injected with their blood.

History of Chimeras

We believe Chimeras have existed side by side with ancient human civilizations for thousands of years. The tales of mythical creatures could all be traced back to a possible Chimera using their abilities at the time. Many cultures around the world has had it's own encounters with one. Everything from a fire breathing dragon to a mermaid spotted at sea or even within the greek mythology of a beast with the body of a lion, the tail as the body of a snake and a goats head coming from the creature back called a Chimera which is the reason why we give them this namesake.


Chimera Threat Levels

Tiger Class- The lowest ranking threat of the danger class ranking system being the most common of all the threat levels. They have the potential of killing multiple people but are usually killed by a single agent if they are low level.

Demon Class- The second threat level being more of a serious threat to be taken. They could make most tiger class threats look weak in comparison and are just incredibly strong needing multiple agents to kill sometimes a special agent is needed for a High Level of this class.

Giant Class- Regarded to be the powerhouse of the threat levels. A Giant class threat has the potential to become a city destroyer needing specially trained agents to take them down.

Dragon Class- The most powerful of all classes, Dragons are mostly similar to giant class but with special abilities making them unpredictable in a fight. Several special agents are needed to attempt to handle this threat.

Super Dragon Class- The rarest of all threat levels, if this Class of Chimera is given to a target do not engage!!!. (1 possible Super Dragon Class)


Chimera Powers and Biology

Chimeras genetics being close to that of humans they aren't seen to be that much different in terms of biology or physical attributes. They are only different once they use their biokits.

Biokits are what we call the powers that a Chimera uses in battle. A Biokit is made up of several stim cells through a rapid mitosis effect creating new cells for specific purposes. A gaseous form of cells that seem not to obey the laws of physics is expelled from beneath their pores similar to that of sweat, quickly multiplying and constructing itself into an animal's appendage if it's a short-mid range biokit or it could become a separate entity entirely if it's a mid-long range. We call this process Mera. A biokit has the ability of liquefying or solidifying into muscle tissue. Biokits are not always a physical trait though, some Chimera have the ability to be separate from their biokit resulting in a separate mass of living muscle tissue becoming it's own entity that has a telepathic link to it's Chimera.

This muscle formed from the Mera cells are incredibly flexible and durable, not allowing traditional weapons to be effective as they become harder than steel in some cases. Biokits will form revealing the kind of animal a Chimera is related to. Possibly allowing an agent to predict their abilities although this method of preparation into combat against a target is not recommended.


Human to Chimera Stages

Once a human has been infected by the blood of a Chimera they'll go through three stages of growth over a few days to weeks.

Stage 1- The first stage is the easiest and most subtle of the three. The body will go through internal healing slowly killing a cancer or even healing the person of injuries a bit faster over the time of several months. This healing process repairs a person's body at a rapid pace after a while and almost instantaneously healing something as small as a scratch from your common house cat.

Stage 2- The human now will become noticeably stronger and faster during this stage. Heightened senses and even hunger needing to consume several pounds of food to enter the next stage.

Stage 3- The final stage being the most dangerous in being that the human now starts aching and the body begins to break down at a cellular level they become increasingly aggressive. They're body no longer accepts the food they had previously had before. Growing hungry the smell of blood will entice them into eating, by many captured Chimeras it is stated to be an irresistible sensation of the senses. Once the Chimera has eaten raw meat whether it be human or animal the person is now fully a Chimera.


Chimera Combat Classes

Short range- Chimeras who have more of a physical ability and are well suited for close range or hand to hand combat. They're more of a powerhouse and usually less versatile than the other combat types. They also have a high stamina drain but a very high physical defense.

Mid range- Chimeras who are more versatile than their short and long range counterparts being the jack of all trades master of none types, they could easily be a long range attacker at a specific distance or a close range offensive combatant if they choose to. They usually cannot become both at the same time although there are rare cases. They have an efficient stamina drain.

Long range- Chimeras that are very versatile and more well specialized in a long distance battle. They could be anywhere from a mile to 100 miles away and controlling their biokit from a long distance while acting normal being well hidden in plain sight. Only way of spotting this Chimera is through their eyes but experienced Chimera know sunglasses are a good way of avoiding suspicion. This type of biokit could be well suited for spying or infiltration. These Chimera have the added benefit of being the least stamina drained but the lack of physical capabilities in comparison to their other combat types.


7:38 pm

"This is a lot but it sure will pay the bills, $600,000 per year and I get special privileges with it. This is going to be a great start into my new career" a man says to himself as he enters the CDU building.

In a meeting the new recruits are all asked if they have all read the email that had been sent to each of them. They all say yes but one man dressed in a black suit and blonde hair raises his hand asking "Since Chimeras are basically genetically similar to humans in every way until they activate their powers how are you sure none of us are one?"

The man holding the meeting with the recruits says "I can't be sure but any lack of what should be noticable scars are a key indicator young man and besides what kind of creature would willing surround themselves by an enemy at every corner, any other questions?"

Another man ask about the Chimera rehabilitation program and was immediately cut off mid sentence by the man saying "That's enough questions go home and comeback tomorrow and we'll begin your training then"

9:32 am

The man who had asked the first question sees one of his associates in the lobby area on his way out and walks towards him introducing himself as Wallace to the man. The man in return tells Wallace his name is Steven. The two men shake hands and walk out together talking about the different fields that they'd like to work in. Steven says he wants to be a field agent as he had been denied a position as an FBI agent.

Wallace says "Wow your brave"

Steven ask Wallace what's his division is going to be.

Wallace replied "I'd work in the science or I.T department, I don't want to be on the field fighting Chimeras they're scary my family had been killed by one when I was younger. Guess you could say I have PTSD from that experience.

Steven says he's sorry about that and Wallace replied saying "don't be, that it was a long time ago you had nothing to do with it"


Steven returns home to his wife and 6 year old daughter. He tells his wife he starts work tomorrow kinda

His wife then ask "kinda? what's that supposed to mean"

He replies that he's going to be starting training.