Chapter 4 Comatose State Pt 1

We must hurt in order to grow, fail in order to know, and lose in order to gain. Because some lessons in life, are best learned through the pain!

6:44 pm

Fredrick brought Tyrese back to the building where he had left from earlier that day. Walking into the room where Khora was Fredrick dropped Tyrese on the floor. Tyrese barely being able to stand back to his feet sees Khora with an angry expression sitting down.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?"

"I was trying to settle some personal business between me and that guy"

Khora grabs Tyrese by his face and then says "You better tell me what that personal business is because I am not very happy about you almost starting something between us and the den you had walked yourself into"

Tyrese explains to Khora everything that had happened with Dimitri but making sure to not mention his name directly. Khora understanding the situation calms herself down.

Khora ask Tyrese if he's had any experience fighting strong Chimera before the ones he came across in the city

Tyrese replied saying "The only other Chimera I have fought were a few disputes between me and my siblings. My father and mother weren't training us but they were very strong so we never had to worry about the C.D.U or other Chimera"

"So what about your alpha?"

"What's an Alpha?"

Both Khora and Fredrick amazed at Tyrese's lack of knowledge with what an Alpha Chimera was they look at each other. Khora begins explaining to Tyrese an Alpha Chimera is one of the strongest Chimeras, being that they have overwhelming strength and are immediately ranked as a Giant or Dragon class threat by the C.D.U.

"They're really that strong?"

"Yes they are, somewhat like me with my ability, I am known to be a High Demon class or near Dragon by the C.D.U"

Tyrese then ask Fredrick "So the guy you were talking to which one is he of those two?"

Fredrick responds "Ramsey is a Giant class he's strong but our Alpha is much stronger since he's Dragon class"

Tyrese then ask "So the difference in power is really that wide of a gap"

"Yes" Khora responds

Khora tells Tyrese as long as he's within the city don't cause any trouble with that gang of Chimeras. Tyrese nods his head and leaves. As Tyrese closes the door behind him on his way out, Fredrick tells Khora.

"It seems as though Ramsey has gathered a larger group since we last ran into him, seems as though he's prepping for something"

"Maybe he's getting ready for the C.D.U or maybe to attack us"

"He has been growing his ranks ever since Gi left the country, he's probably hoping to win a war against us with quantity over quality"

Khora laughs saying "Let his numbers grow it'll be more fun killing them all"

8:15 pm

Tyrese gets back to the apartment and going into his room he changes his clothes, throwing away the blooded torn ones. Tyrese looking in the mirror looks at himself and ponders along ways of becoming stronger.

Dimitri in his room prepares for a test do for the next week has his radio beside him listening to the news about the development of the CDU(Chimera Defense Unit) Organization. They're reporting that the unit will begin to patrol the streets of New York starting tomorrow and engage all Chimera spotted.

9:32 pm

As everyone else but Tyrese goes to bed, Tyrese is in his room working out tirelessly for an hour straight. Doing 500 squats, 300 pushups and 1000 sit ups.

"I'll do this daily until I'm able to do ten thousand each" Tyrese says to himself

5:45 am

Tyrese gets up out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Dimitri gets ready for another day of school going through his same daily routine in a rush to catch the bus Dimitri sprints out of his room bumping right into Tyrese.

"Oh hey, you're looking a little better" Tyrese says to Dimitri.

Dimitri not having seen Tyrese after their argument two days ago lowers his head and saying "I'm sorry"

Tyrese confused ask Dimitri "Sorry for what exactly"

Dimitri says "I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, you were only trying to help, I am sorry"

Tyrese pulls Dimitri towards him hugging him saying "You've been my bestfriend since we were 7, you're like a little brother to me and I don't ever want to see you hurt like that. It hurts me to have seen you like that, I came here to see you for your birthday happy, not to see beaten up"

Dimitri becomes emotional and starts crying on Tyrese shoulder hugging him back even tighter.

Dimitri while still crying replies "I can't believe you remembered my birthday"

Tyrese while laughing tells Dimitri "If you keep on crying you'll be late for your bus won't you?"

Dimitri remembering the bus says "Oh right my bus"

Dimitri let's go of Tyrese and runs to the door as Tyrese tells Dimitri don't get hurt this time please. Dimitri nods and leaves with a smile on his face

6:22 am

Tyrese walks around the apartment as everyone had left to either go to school or work and while walking pass Dimitri's bedroom, he sees that Dimitri left it wide open. As Tyrese was about to close the door Tyrese says to himself "This kid keeps forgetting these things"

6:43 am

Dimitri arrives to his school on the bus. Getting off the bus Dimitri is surprised to see Tyrese walking towards him.

Dimitri says "let me guess my glasses"

While handing Dimitri his glasses Tyrese says while laughing "Yeah, do I have to keep on giving you these every morning"

A car that is dropping off a student, the man Tyrese had fought yesterday sees the two boys interaction. Putting what Tyrese said about "Do you like beating up kids" and the fact he had recently beaten up the same boy Dimitri earlier that week together. The man angry plans his next move.

3:34 pm

Dimitri walking back home when suddenly a familiar car pulls up infront of him remembering the situation Dimitri was prepared with a knife in his back pocket. Stepping out of the car the man introduces himself to Dimitri as Grayson. Dimitri steps back slowly inching himself from the man. Grayson in a quick movement runs towards Dimitri attempting to grab him.

Dimitri in self defense surprisingly stabs at Grayson's throat but the knife breaks against his now hardened skin. Grayson laughs and punches Dimitri in his head, from that first blow Dimitri was knocked unconscious. Grayson started wailing on Dimitri making sure to not use full force blows, holding back his true strength ever so slight. After 5 mins had passed Grayson calls the police and reports of a heavily injured minor.

5:11 pm

Tyrese is laying in bed after another exercise session tired and exhausted. Staring at the ceiling he recollects on the fights he's been in thus far and how he's been placed in a pretty much one sided situation.

"Samantha was defending herself while looking for an opening between my kicks, she took the first one she got and delivered a devastating punch to me. The guy at the bar he was big and I thought his power would've made him slow but he was surprisingly quick. If I'm in that position again Rick might not be there to save me. These were my first times actually being in a real fight against other Chimera"

Tyrese then realizes that Fredrick had been at a situation that unless he was informed before hand or been following him, that there would be no other way for him to have known where Tyrese was at the time.

Tyrese sits up as many thoughts are running through his head on Fredrick most likely knowing of the Daniels family and having potentially risked their safety.

The landline within the livingroom begins to ring.

Mrs. Daniels answers the call, the nurse on the other line tells her that they currently have Dimitri in the ICU. Mrs. Daniels listens to the rest of what the nurse had to say while silently tears stream down her face. Mr. Daniels now coming home from work through the door, seeing his wife on the phone crying he waits until she puts down to ask fearing what he might hear.

While pacing back and forth within his room Tyrese heard a knocking at his door. He says "it's open come in" and opening the door was Mr. Daniels with a sad look on his face. Mr. Daniels tells Tyrese that Dimitri is on life support and in a coma. Tyrese drops to his knees asking if this is a prank that Dimitri had put him up to, Mr. Daniels walks up to Tyrese telling him he's being serious we're going to the hospital.

Tyrese drops to the floor and breaks down crying.