Chapter 2 New Beginnings Pt2

"Every story has an end. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning."

- Dakota Fanning.

Meanwhile within the Daniels apartment.

"He still hasn't got here yet" one of the agents says whilst he walks back and forth in the living room.

"You're right, it's been 2 hours pass the original time that he should've been here at. Well we're going to have to take your family with us for your own protection and to further investigate your son Mr and Mrs Daniels"

"Our daughters are coming with us also is that correct?" Mr Daniels asked.

"Yes sir, we will escort you out immediately"


Dimitri is taken by Khora to an abandoned warehouse. As they walk in Dimitri couldn't help but notice how muscular her body is up close but he ask her "why am I here" she looks back at him and tells him "It's for your own safety, I'll explain after we are inside".

Once they walk through the empty warehouse to another door within Khora opens it and on the otherside Dimitri sees a small group of people who are all sitting around a table playing cards. They each look at him as both him and Khora enter the room.

"So this is the kid we worked so hard to keep out of the reach of the CDU" a petite asain woman says angrily.

Another member answers her saying "yes, this is the boy Tyrese turned before leaving. His name is Dimitri Daniels"

"Um how do you guys know me, and what do you mean by Tyrese turned before leaving. I am so confused" Dimitri says while looking very worried.

One of the group members gets up from sitting at the table and walks up to Dimitri. He was an asain man wearing a white Tshirt and a pair of jeans while having slicked back black hair.

"Ok Dimitri, long story short several months ago Tyrese your friend turned you into a chimera in which the benefits were that you wouldn't be on life support while in a coma for the rest of your life while also being a burden to your family for your state. The drawback to this is that you were noticed by the CDU as a possible chimera. I'll give you a million dollars and a duffel bag filled with meat in it so as you don't starve while you go on the run because it isn't safe for you to be here. Did you understand everything I just said?"

Dimitri a bit shocked by the flood of information he was just told says "yes I do, kinda, but what happened to Tyrese. Where is he?"

"I sent your friend away with the same necessities although without the meat as he could fair better without it, also I'll allow you to stay here for just twenty four hours. That's all the time I could give you without putting everyone here who wants to protect you in danger" the man replies.

Given very little time to truly process everything and having his regular civilian human life falling apart in just a few hours of him being released from the hospital Dimitri is comforted by Khora as she helps him get himself together mentally. Dimitri is driven out of the State of New York with Fredrick using his abilities to block and destroy cameras that would see the vehicle.

It took eighteen hours with both traffic and avoiding camera detection to reach the city of Chicago. A blond haired woman wakes Dimitri up from his sleep telling him that they are at the location he could stay at. Dimitri tells the woman thanks for helping him but he never got her name during the car ride there.

"I know Khora, Fredrick and Gi but what's your name?"

"My name is Samantha and you're welcome, by the way it wasn't easy sneaking out a bunch of organs from the hospital kid. I could lose my job so you owe me most of all"

"Oh really?"

"No I'm just joking around with you, hope you don't die out here though, Chicago doesn't have any CDU buildings or operations nearby so you'd be ok out here for the most part anyways bye kid"

And in a hurry just like that the woman is gone speeding off in the direction of New York.

"Wow, so this is my life now. What the fuck did I wake up to. This all feels like the worst dream out there."