Chapter 41: Situation inside the Inner region.

After Celli vented her anger. Three corn bunting were sitting on the ground looking at Robert and Celli with a cautious gaze.

They didn't expect these weak-looking creatures to be so strong, especially that female tyrannosaurus she is very cruel. Now their life depends upon their decision.

"You know your mistakes right?" Robert cleared his throat and looked at the three with a piercing gaze. 

The birds heard Robert and nodded. Now the situation has reached this point, it's better to counsel and admit mistakes.

Seeing their nod Robert was satisfied and continued, "Now that you realise your mistake it's time to pay."

Three of them tensed up after hearing him. His next words will decide their fate.

"You have to…" Three of them tensed up and listened with nervousness. 

Robert looked at them and said slowly, "Tell me about this place. What types of creatures live near us? What are their strengths and numbers?"