Chapter 43: Let's built a City of Delicacy!

Just as Robert and others were talking in the far east outside the boundaries of Dream Maple Forest.

In an Ancient Forest covering a vast portion of land where one can see Giant beasts roaming and flying. 

In a certain part of this ancient forest, a speck of light appeared and expanded continuously until it formed a silhouette of which resembled a human being. 

Surrounding beasts and spiritual creatures were attracted because of this phenomenon. Spiritual creatures remained cautious and did not go near the unknown silhouette because of their Intelligence. 

But the barbaric beasts were not the same seeing this silhouette; they disregarded the danger and charged forward ferociously.

Just as they were near the silhouette and we're about to attack there were some sudden changes.


A furious old voice came within the light spot. The voice was amplified with spiritual energy which caused the surrounding ground and trees to tremble.