Chapter 49 : Why are you destroying my Furniture?

Three of them were stunned after hearing him, receiving benefits without paying anything? 

How can there be such a good thing in this world? 

They looked at Robert and saw he was being serious which baffled them even more. They didn't know what to do now but they cannot be indecisive because they are facing a Foundation Realm Creature even though he is polite from the beginning it does not mean it is harmless, Once something ticks him off then three of them are dead meat. 

Thus they were waiting for someone to take the lead.

Finally, the Tiger who was the oldest stepped forward and said, "Since seniors recommended the proposal I will gladly follow it."

Here law of Jungle pertains to the person with the biggest fists earning the respect so it's not exaggerated to call Robert a 'senior'

Since someone has taken the lead they also agreed, "I will gladly follow the seniors ' arrangement. "