Chapter 58: Request for help and Soup Base

Making hot pot is easy as they have lots of meat, Whether it's cow meat or turtle meat.

The main problem is cooking utensils because they need to have a big pot so that everyone can eat.

Though the problem is not big as Robert already has a solution for it. He walked near the dead turtle and patted its shell. It's sturdy!

He checked the shell carefully, seeing that there was not a single crack. He was relieved. Now they have a pot for Hot Pot. Now he only needs to prepare a soup base and they are ready for a banquet.

"Little Fang you remove the upper part of the tortoiseshell without damaging it, Slither you go out along with Snowball and bring back some more meat. Celli, you go out and try to bring some eggs, Even if you don't find it okay. Everything should be done in one hour." Robert gave out the tasks to everyone and went inside the kitchen to prepare the soup base.