Chapter 61: Recruiting people

Next morning. 

On top of the Cloud peak, Robert is in front of a big pot. Inside, a few barks of trees are being boiled.

Papermaking is not that difficult as he has a lot of materials now. It's still some time before the opening of the restaurant so Robert decided to make some paper for his plans.

Yesterday, He realised that he needs more people if he wants to build a city or his own power. 

But it's not easy to get others to join him and make them work for him. After all these creatures are used to being lone rangers and do not want to join any power for any reason.

In cultivation terms, they are Casual beasts(Cultivators). That's why he needs another method to make them work for him.

"Robert, what are you cooking?" White Fang Was beside him her gaze was fixed on the pot as she asked curiously.

"It's not something you can eat!" Robert replied plainly. This foodie comes whenever he is using fire thinking that he is cooking something.